


I Have a list of folders on DVD that I would like to process one at a time. I am trying to use a FOR command to pass through information to set as the variable in a 2nd batch file.


I am having the user input two variables, then I'd like a 3rd variable to come from my list of folders. Then run a 2nd batch file for each folder on the DVD:

echo enter Drive letter
set /p Drive=

echo enter diskname
set /p diskname=

FOR /F %%i IN ('dir /ad /b e:\') DO set book=%%i

call Load.bat %drive% %diskname% %book%


Then in my load.bat I have:

Set drive=%1
Set diskname=%2
Set book=%3

Copy %drive%\%book% \\server\%book%


The script will run fine on ONE folder on the DVD. How can I get this to loop through each folder?



FOR /F %%i IN ('dir /ad /b e:\') DO (
 set book=%%i
 call Load.bat %drive% %diskname% %%i

请注意,如果任何参数可能包含空格之类的分隔符,则该参数需要加引号"(必须用双引号引起来),然后应使用%〜n (其中n = 1..3)以访问子批次中的参数.

Note that if any of the paramaters may contains separators like spaces, the parameter needs to be "quoted" (must be double quotes) and you should then use %~n (where n=1..3 in your case) to acess the parameter in the subsidiary batch.

(必须与 do 关键字在同一物理行上.其他数据可以在单独的行上,也可以全部在一行上,但在这种情况下,它们需要用& 分隔,例如

the ( must be on the same physical line as the do keyword. The other data may be on seperate lines, or may be all on one line if you wish, but in that case they need to be separated by &, eg

FOR...DO set book=%%i&call Load.bat "%drive%" "%diskname%" "%%i"

请注意,如果数据全部在一行上,则不需要括号.为了简洁起见,我省略了 for 循环的主体,并为每个参数插入了引号,因此子批处理将需要%〜1 .. %〜3 删除这些引号.

Note that if the data is all on one line, the parentheses are not required. I've omitted the body of the for loop for brevity's sake and inserted the quotes for each parameter, so the subsidiary batch would require %~1..%~3 to strip off those quotes.


Actually, you don't need to send the data as parameters. The subsidiary batch can access (and change) the environment variables, so those three parameters are already present in the variables when the subsidiary batch is executed.


08-28 07:39