我对在 Windows Vista 上使用 Visual Studio 和 C#.NET 开发 iPhone 应用程序感兴趣.
I’m interested in developing an iPhone application using Visual Studio and C#.NET on Windows Vista.
我尝试从 http://developer.apple.com/iphone/index 下载 SDK.action,但该文件的扩展名为 .dmg
I tried to download the SDK from http://developer.apple.com/iphone/index.action, but the file has a .dmg
extension and I don’t know how to open that file.
那么,作为 .NET 开发人员,我可以针对 iPhone API 工作和开发吗?是否有使用 .NET 开发的现有应用程序?是否有任何资源或网站可以在这方面提供帮助?
So can I as .NET developer work and develop against iPhone APIs?And are there any existing applications which haven been developed using .NET?Are there any resources or web sites can help in that matter?
总之,没有.iPhone 有 Mono 支持,但目前是有限的.他们过去曾讨论过编写 Silverlight 应用程序的可能性,其中包含一系列可以作为 iPhone 应用程序静态链接的iPhone 风格"控件,但还有一段路要走.
In a word, no. There is Mono support for the iPhone, but it's currently limited. They have spoken in the past about the possibility of writing a Silverlight app, with a series of "iPhone style" controls that could be statically linked as an iPhone app, but that's some way off.
如果是您感兴趣的游戏,并且您的财力雄厚,那么UNITY 是一个基于 Mono 的游戏开发平台,支持 iPhone(并在 Windows 上运行)
If it's games you're interested in, and you have deep pockets, then UNITY is a Mono based game development platform that supports the iPhone (and runs on Windows)
如果做不到这一点,请咬紧牙关从 EBay 购买便宜的 Mac.SDK 正式仅支持 Intel Mac,但您可以将其安装在 PPC 上,我还没有遇到问题(我目前在 G5 PowerMac 上运行它)
Failing that, bite the bullet and get a cheap Mac from EBay. Officially only Intel Macs are supported for the SDK, but you can get it to install on PPC ones and I've yet to have a problem with that (I'm running it on a G5 PowerMac at the moment)
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