(已编辑)您好,我正在尝试包含我在 Tradingview 中发现的该指标的警报.
(Edited)Hello, I'm trying to include alerts from this indicator I found in Tradingview.
Indicator: TradingView
I need 4 alerts when the current candle is greater than HH and LH or lower than LL and HL.
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study(title="Double Zig Zag with HHLL", overlay = true)
prd1 = input(defval = 8, title="ZigZag Period 1", minval = 2, maxval = 20)
showzz = input(defval = "Show Both", title = "Show Zig Zags", options = ["Show Zig Zag 1", "Show Zig Zag 2", "Show Both", "Show None"])
showhhll = input(defval = "Show Both", title = "Show HHLL", options = ["Show HHLL 1", "Show HHLL 2", "Show Both", "Show None"])
upcol1 = input(defval = color.lime, title = "Zig Zag 1 Up Color")
dncol1 = input(defval = color.red, title = "Zig Zag 1 Down Color")
txtcol = input(defval = color.black, title = "Text Color")
zz1style = input(defval = "Dashed", title = "Zig Zag 1 Line Style", options = ["Dashed", "Dotted"])
zz1width = input(defval = 2, title = "Zig zag 1 Line Width", minval = 1, maxval = 4)
float ph1 = highestbars(high, prd1) == 0 ? high : na
float pl1 = lowestbars(low, prd1) == 0 ? low : na
var dir1 = 0
dir1 := iff(ph1 and na(pl1), 1, iff(pl1 and na(ph1), -1, dir1))
var max_array_size = 10 // [5, 2] matrix
var zigzag1 = array.new_float(0)
add_to_zigzag(pointer, value, bindex)=>
array.unshift(pointer, bindex)
array.unshift(pointer, value)
if array.size(pointer) > max_array_size
update_zigzag(pointer, value, bindex, dir)=>
if array.size(pointer) == 0
add_to_zigzag(pointer, value, bindex)
if (dir == 1 and value > array.get(pointer, 0)) or (dir == -1 and value < array.get(pointer, 0))
array.set(pointer, 0, value)
array.set(pointer, 1, bindex)
dir1changed = change(dir1)
if ph1 or pl1
if dir1changed
add_to_zigzag(zigzag1, dir1 == 1 ? ph1 : pl1, bar_index)
update_zigzag(zigzag1, dir1 == 1 ? ph1 : pl1, bar_index, dir1)
if array.size(zigzag1) >= 6
var line zzline1 = na
var label zzlabel1 = na
float val = array.get(zigzag1, 0)
int point = round(array.get(zigzag1, 1))
if change(val) or change(point)
float val1 = array.get(zigzag1, 2)
int point1 = round(array.get(zigzag1, 3))
if change(val1) == 0 and change(point1) == 0
if showzz == "Show Zig Zag 1" or showzz == "Show Both"
zzline1 := line.new(x1 = point, y1 = val, x2 = point1, y2 = val1, color = dir1 == 1 ? upcol1 : dncol1, width = zz1width, style = zz1style == "Dashed" ? line.style_dashed : line.style_dotted)
if showhhll == "Show HHLL 1" or showhhll == "Show Both"
hhlltxt = dir1 == 1 ? array.get(zigzag1, 0) > array.get(zigzag1, 4) ? "HH" : "LH" : array.get(zigzag1, 0) < array.get(zigzag1, 4) ? "LL" : "HL"
labelcol = dir1 == 1 ? array.get(zigzag1, 0) > array.get(zigzag1, 4) ? upcol1 : dncol1 : array.get(zigzag1, 0) < array.get(zigzag1, 4) ? dncol1 : upcol1
zzlabel1 := label.new(x = point, y = val, text = hhlltxt, color = labelcol, textcolor = txtcol, style = dir1 == 1 ? label.style_label_down : label.style_label_up)
////////Trigger zigzag1
hh= (array.get(zigzag1, 0))
ll= (array.get(zigzag1, 6))
hh== crossover(close,(array.get(zigzag1, 0)))
ll== crossunder(close,(array.get(zigzag1, 6)))
if hh
alert("COhh crossing up hh level", alert.freq_once_per_bar)
else if ll
alert("CUll crossing up ll level", alert.freq_once_per_bar)
The way I'm trying to do this is getting the info from zigzag1. As advised in the comments, I'm following the new functionality for alerts.
and ll
- these are boolean variables, so they are not converted to a string, but this is not necessary.If their value is true, then we know which vertex the zigzag has.
////////Trigger zigzag1
hh= (array.get(zigzag1, 0))
ll= (array.get(zigzag1, 6))
hh= crossover(close,(array.get(zigzag1, 0)))
ll= crossunder(close,(array.get(zigzag1, 6)))
if hh
alert("COhh crossing up hh level", alert.freq_once_per_bar)
else if ll
alert("CUll crossing up ll level", alert.freq_once_per_bar)
study(title="Help (Double Zig Zag with HHLL)", overlay = true)
prd1 = input(defval = 8, title="ZigZag Period 1", minval = 2, maxval = 20)
showzz = input(defval = "Show Both", title = "Show Zig Zags", options = ["Show Zig Zag 1", "Show Zig Zag 2", "Show Both", "Show None"])
showhhll = input(defval = "Show Both", title = "Show HHLL", options = ["Show HHLL 1", "Show HHLL 2", "Show Both", "Show None"])
upcol1 = input(defval = color.lime, title = "Zig Zag 1 Up Color")
dncol1 = input(defval = color.red, title = "Zig Zag 1 Down Color")
txtcol = input(defval = color.black, title = "Text Color")
zz1style = input(defval = "Dashed", title = "Zig Zag 1 Line Style", options = ["Dashed", "Dotted"])
zz1width = input(defval = 2, title = "Zig zag 1 Line Width", minval = 1, maxval = 4)
float ph1 = highestbars(high, prd1) == 0 ? high : na
float pl1 = lowestbars(low, prd1) == 0 ? low : na
var dir1 = 0
dir1 := iff(ph1 and na(pl1), 1, iff(pl1 and na(ph1), -1, dir1))
var max_array_size = 10 // [5, 2] matrix
var zigzag1 = array.new_float(0)
add_to_zigzag(pointer, value, bindex)=>
array.unshift(pointer, bindex)
array.unshift(pointer, value)
if array.size(pointer) > max_array_size
update_zigzag(pointer, value, bindex, dir)=>
if array.size(pointer) == 0
add_to_zigzag(pointer, value, bindex)
if (dir == 1 and value > array.get(pointer, 0)) or (dir == -1 and value < array.get(pointer, 0))
array.set(pointer, 0, value)
array.set(pointer, 1, bindex)
dir1changed = change(dir1)
if ph1 or pl1
if dir1changed
add_to_zigzag(zigzag1, dir1 == 1 ? ph1 : pl1, bar_index)
update_zigzag(zigzag1, dir1 == 1 ? ph1 : pl1, bar_index, dir1)
if array.size(zigzag1) >= 6
var line zzline1 = na
var label zzlabel1 = na
float val = array.get(zigzag1, 0)
int point = round(array.get(zigzag1, 1))
if change(val) or change(point)
float val1 = array.get(zigzag1, 2)
int point1 = round(array.get(zigzag1, 3))
if change(val1) == 0 and change(point1) == 0
if showzz == "Show Zig Zag 1" or showzz == "Show Both"
zzline1 := line.new(x1 = point, y1 = val, x2 = point1, y2 = val1, color = dir1 == 1 ? upcol1 : dncol1, width = zz1width, style = zz1style == "Dashed" ? line.style_dashed : line.style_dotted)
if showhhll == "Show HHLL 1" or showhhll == "Show Both"
hhlltxt = dir1 == 1 ? array.get(zigzag1, 0) > array.get(zigzag1, 4) ? "HH" : "LH" : array.get(zigzag1, 0) < array.get(zigzag1, 4) ? "LL" : "HL"
labelcol = dir1 == 1 ? array.get(zigzag1, 0) > array.get(zigzag1, 4) ? upcol1 : dncol1 : array.get(zigzag1, 0) < array.get(zigzag1, 4) ? dncol1 : upcol1
zzlabel1 := label.new(x = point, y = val, text = hhlltxt, color = labelcol, textcolor = txtcol, style = dir1 == 1 ? label.style_label_down : label.style_label_up)
alert("New label: " + hhlltxt, alert.freq_once_per_bar) // added string
////////Trigger zigzag1
//hh= (array.get(zigzag1, 0))
//ll= (array.get(zigzag1, 6))
// hh= crossover(close,(array.get(zigzag1, 0)))
// ll= crossunder(close,(array.get(zigzag1, 6)))
// if hh
// alert("COhh crossing up hh level", alert.freq_once_per_bar)
// else if ll
// alert("CUll crossing up ll level", alert.freq_once_per_bar)