关于论文mercury" class="post-tag" title="show questions tagged 'mercury'" rel="tag">mercury 说明如下:
A paper about mercury says the following:
大多数 Prolog 变体中的 if-then-else 和否定结构都是不合逻辑且不合理的:它们会导致系统计算与被视为逻辑理论的程序不一致的答案.一些现有的逻辑编程系统,例如 NU-Prolog 和 Gödel,为这些 Prolog 结构提供了逻辑和合理的替代.不幸的是,这些系统通过运行时基础检查来加强安全性.这种效果可以将程序的运行时间增加任意大的系数;如果检查基础性的目标包含大量条款,则检查费用可能会高得令人望而却步.
NU-Prolog 和 Gödel 看起来相当死和不自由,但我仍然想知道:
NU-Prolog and Gödel look rather dead and non-free, but I still wonder:
- 这些合乎逻辑且合理的
替换是什么? - 他们在 SWI 或 GNU Prologs 中是否有类似物?
- 它们是如何工作的?他们如何工作?向 Prolog 添加逻辑否定会将其变成通用 FOL,对吗?您基本上需要一个通用的 FOL 定理证明器来使用它?
- 它们是否与
必须扩展为在新条件下使用.是否也必须在 NU-Prolog 和 Gödel 中这样做?
- What are these logical and sound
replacements? - Do they have analogs in SWI or GNU Prologs?
- How do they work? How could they work? Adding logical negation to Prolog turns it into general FOL, right? You would basically need a general FOL theorem prover to work with it?
- Are they different from
has to be extended to be used with new conditions. Would one have to do this in NU-Prolog and Gödel also?
if-then-else 的突破可能是一个新的注释.通过注释,我理解模式声明之类的东西,确定性声明等.对于 if then else,a完整的声明会很好.让我们假设我们可以声明谓词或内置 p/n 完整.这个会意味着它具有基本参数 t1,..,tn 的属性:
A break through in if-then-else could be a new annotation.By annotation I understand things like mode declarations,determinancy declarations, etc.. For an if then else, acomplete declaration would be nice. Lets assume we coulddeclare a predicate or built-in p/n complete. This wouldmean it has the property for ground arguments t1,..,tn:
T |- p(t1,..,tn)
- or -
T |- ~p(t1,..,tn)
或者简而言之,如果理论 T 是递归可枚举的,那么它将是一个可判定的谓词.如果我们回忆一下 if-then-else 在逻辑上是这样的:
Or in short it would be a decidable predicate if the theory T is recursively enumerable. If we then recall that if-then-else is logically:
ITE(A,B,C) == (A => B) & (~A => C)
然后我们可以使用完整的注释如下.让我们假设 A = p(t1,..,tn).由于注释Prolog系统会尝试证明 A.如果它不成功,因为在完整的注释中,Prolog 系统可以推断出~A 会成功.因此它可以使用 else 分支没有~A的证明尝试.
We could then use the complete annotation as follows. Letsassume A = p(t1,..,tn). Because of the annotation the Prologsystem would try to prove A. If it doesn't succeed, becauseof the complete annotation, the Prolog system can infer that~A would succeed. And therefore it can use the else branchwithout a proof attempt of ~A.
但有趣的是,这已经是 ISO 核心标准的 if-then-else 确实如此,(A->B;C) 也仅证明一次.所以有什么问题?我想问题是A 可能更复杂,不一定是接地的.甚至谓词 p/n 可能不完整,或者我们甚至不知道它是否完整.总而言之在这些情况下,ISO 核心标准仍然允许我们使用 (A->B;C).
But interestingly this is already what the ISO corestandard if-then-else does, (A->B;C) does also only proveA once. So whats the problem? I guess the problem isthat A might be more complex and not necessarily ground.Or even that a predicate p/n might be incomplete, orwe even don't know whether it is complete. And in allthese cases the ISO core standard nevertheless allowsus to use the (A->B;C).
groundness 问题有时可以通过使用运行时来解决基础检查.这可能就是 Mercury 所指的:
The groundness problem can sometimes be solved by using a runtimegroundness checks. This is probably what Mercury refers to:
when(ground(A), (A->B;C))
SWI-Prolog 甚至应用了一个技巧来制作基础检查更便宜,另见一些进一步的讨论 关于话语:
SWI-Prolog even applies a trick to make the groundnesscheck cheaper, see also some further discussion on Discourse:
%! trigger_ground(@Term, :Goal)
% Trigger Goal when Term becomes ground. The current implementation
% uses nonground/2, waiting for an atribtrary variable and re-check
% Term when this variable is bound. Previous version used
% term_variables and suspended on a term constructed from these
% variables. It is clear that either approach performs better on
% certain types of terms. The term_variables/2 based approach wins on
% large terms that are almost ground. Possibly we need a nonground
% that also returns the number of tests performed and switch to the
% term_variables/2 based approach if this becomes large.
trigger_ground(X, Goal) :-
( nonground(X, V)
-> '$suspend'(V, when, trigger_ground(X, Goal))
; call(Goal)
这篇关于NU-Prolog 和 Gödel 的逻辑和合理的“if-then-else"扩展的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!