我有一个 Silverlight 应用程序,它检索可序列化类的列表.在这些类中还有其他可序列化的类,其中一些也在列表中.事情是一切正常,直到我填充导致 Silverlight 应用程序抛出异常远程服务器返回错误:NotFound"的可序列化类列表之一
I have a Silverlight application that retreives a list of serializable classes. In these classes there are other serializable classes some of which are also in a list. The thing is everything works fine until I fill one of the list of serializable classes that causes the silverlight application to throw the exception "The remote server returned an error: NotFound"
This is the code that fills the class (Don't be Intimidated by the large amount of code it's just filling the class with information):
private SCharacter getSCharacter(Character userCharacter)
var iqcb = userCharacter.CharacterBodies;
var iqcs = userCharacter.CharacterStats;
var iqgs = userCharacter.CharacterSettings;
var iqcp = userCharacter.CharacterPoints;
var iqcproj = userCharacter.CharacterProjectiles;
var currChar =
new SCharacter
characterID = userCharacter.characterID,
characterName = userCharacter.characterName,
characterClassID = userCharacter.characterClassID,
userUsername = userCharacter.userUsername
foreach (var cb in iqcb)
var scb = new SCharacterBody();
scb.body.bodyId = cb.bodyId;
scb.body.bodyName = cb.Body.bodyName;
scb.bodyPart.bodyPartId = cb.BodyPart.bodyPartId;
scb.bodyPart.bodyPartName = cb.BodyPart.bodyPartName;
foreach (var cs in iqcs)
var scs =
new SCharacterStat
characterID = cs.characterID,
statId = cs.statId,
characterStatId = cs.characterStatId,
statName = cs.Stat.statName,
statValue = cs.statValue
foreach (var igs in iqgs)
var scs = new SCharacterSetting
characterID = igs.characterID,
modifierId = igs.GameSetting.modifierId,
modifierType = igs.GameSetting.Modifier.modifierType,
characterSettingId = igs.characterSettingId,
settingDescription = igs.GameSetting.settingDescription,
settingName = igs.GameSetting.settingName,
settingValue = igs.GameSetting.settingValue
var gss = igs.GameSetting.Stat;
scs.stat.statId = gss.statId;
scs.stat.statName = gss.statName;
foreach (var cp in iqcp)
var scp = new SCharacterPoint
characterID = cp.characterID,
characterPointsId = cp.characterPointsId,
pointsId = cp.pointsId,
pointsName = cp.Point.pointsName,
pointsValue = cp.pointsValue
foreach (var cp in iqcproj)
var scp =
new SCharacterProjectile
characterId = cp.characterId,
characterProjectileId = cp.characterProjectileId,
particleId = cp.Projectile.particleId,
projectileHeight = cp.Projectile.projectileHeight,
projectileWidth= cp.Projectile.projectileWidth,
damageId =cp.Projectile.damageId,
damageDuration = cp.Projectile.Damage.damageDuration,
damageValue = cp.Projectile.Damage.damageValue,
projectileName = cp.Projectile.projectileName
scp.force.forceName = cp.Projectile.forceName;
scp.force.impulseX = (float)cp.Projectile.Force.impulseX;
scp.force.impulseY = (float)cp.Projectile.Force.impulseY;
scp.force.torque = (float)cp.Projectile.Force.torque;
scp.projectileParticle.particleId = cp.Projectile.particleId;
scp.projectileParticle.particleName = cp.Projectile.Particle.particleName;
foreach (var psv in cp.Projectile.Particle.ParticleSettingValues)
var spsv = new SParticleSettingValue();
spsv.particleId = psv.particleId;
spsv.particleSettingID = psv.particleSettingID;
spsv.particleSettingName = psv.ParticleSetting.particleSettingName;
spsv.particleSettingValue = psv.particleSettingValue1;
spsv.particleSettingValuesID = psv.particleSettingValueID;
foreach (var pc in cp.Projectile.Particle.ParticleColours)
var spc = new SParticleColour();
spc.colourHex = pc.colourHex;
spc.particleColourId = pc.particleColourId;
spc.particleId = pc.particleId;
return currChar;
在最后 3 行代码中有 currChar.projectileList.Add(scp);
,如果我删除那行代码,一切正常.我认为可能导致问题的原因是循环引用,但我检查了类,似乎找不到任何类.如果需要,我将粘贴与 projectileList
In the last 3 lines of code there is currChar.projectileList.Add(scp);
, if I remove that line of code everything works fine. What I thought might be causing the problem is ciruclar references but I checked the classes and can't seem to find any. If needed I'll paste the code of the classes that have to do with projectileList
Update: Tried to debug the webservice itself and apparently there is a problem with the xml serialization, you can find the question here
在我的 第二个问题.
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