

我觉得我的问题很简单。是否有可能为一个网络客户端发现什么方法都可以从一个特定的WCF服务(由 HTTP方式:/ /the.web.server/SomeWCFService.svc )?

I think my question is a simple one. Is it possible for a web client to discover what methods are available from a particular WCF service (by way of http://the.web.server/SomeWCFService.svc)?


This is not something that we're trying to do but rather we're trying to discover how vulnerable our services are and we're looking into ways to make them a little more secure.



下面的MSDN文章应该解决您的问题,因为它清楚地指出,客户端必须有之前的发现服务地址的先验知识。 (本文然后讨论如何可以使动态发现,它似乎并不像你想要的):

The following MSDN article should address your concern, as it clearly states that a client must have prior knowledge of the service address prior to discovery. (The article then discusses how you could enable dynamic discovery, which does not seem like what you want):

所有的Windows通讯基础(WCF)与Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5的份额两个约束要求的可能。首先,端口或管道分配给该服务必须是可用的应用程序开发人员或管理员从字面上有猜测或有保留它们的某种方式。其次,的客户端必须先验知道服务端点的地址,二者的端口号和该服务机器,或管道名称。

"All the Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) calls possible with the Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 share two constraints. First, the port or pipe assigned to the service must be available. The application developer or administrator literally has to guess or have some way of reserving them. Second, the client must apriori know the address of the service endpoints, both the port number and the service machine, or the pipe name."

http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/magazine/ ee335779.aspx


08-20 05:22