I'm trying to apply a filter to my queries for multi-tenancy but it doesn't allow me to apply the filter when the property is part of a navigation property:
modelBuilder.Entity<Level>().HasQueryFilter(lvl => lvl.SchoolYear.TenantId == _tenantProvider.TenantId);
Here, Level is the property I want filtered but the property to use for filtering which is TenantId is is inside Level.SchoolYear.
If its a top-level property it works fine. How can I apply a global filter when the property I need for filtering is a navigation property?
As said, these model level filters are not (yet) implemented for navigation properties. Which is sad, because people may not be aware of this restriction and count on it in a multi-tenant architecture. Everybody knows that making errors in a multi-tenant application may be the death of your company, so it's pretty vital to do this right.
一旦您选择了通过 TenantId
Once you've chosen for tenant separation by TenantId
(and not the safer schema-per-tenant or database-per-tenant), and knowing this current restriction in EF-core, you may want to build in a safeguard that at least you'll never mix up tenant data when saving changes.
This safeguard could be implemented by defining an interface:
public interface IHasTenantId
int TenantId { get; }
...由具有 TenantId
... to be implemented by each entity having a TenantId
然后在 DbContext
子类中的 SaveChanges
的替代中,可以检查更改集中的所有 TenantId
Then in an override of SaveChanges
in the DbContext
subclass there can be a check if all TenantId
s in a change set are identical:
public override int SaveChanges()
var distinctTenantIdsCount = this.ChangeTracker.Entries<IHasTenantId>()
.Select(e => e.Entity.TenantId)
if(distinctTenantIdsCount > 1)
// Throw an exception and handle it.
return base.SaveChanges();
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