

从N3337(C ++ 11草稿)第3.9.1.8节:

From N3337 (C++11 draft) section


Does this apply to any and all usage of a float type, regardless of if it is a literal or not? Here is the example that is causing me some concern:

float foo{0.0f};
if (foo == 0.0f)
    // Am I always guaranteed to get here?

如果我们假设 0.0f 对于实现并不真正为真,但是一些未定义的数字,这个比较在技术上是否仍然有效,因为两个操作数都是通过常量获得的,即使我不知道它的真实值,他们仍然是相同的吗?

If we assume that 0.0f is not really true 0 as far as the implementation is concerned, but some undefined number, would this comparison still technically be valid since both operands were obtained via constants and even though I may not know its true value, they will both still be the same?


Equality comparisons with float literals like this always have a code smell and I just want to make sure there aren't certain use cases where this makes sense or is valid.



Yes you are guaranteed to get there. Float imprecision occures after processing operations on concerned numbers. Constants are safe in your case.


However, if you exceed floating-point number precision by providing too much decimals or you initialize the float with another data type, it might get interpreted differently.


float foo{2.1234321f};
if (foo * 6.1234321f / 0.1234321f == 105.3428750f)
    // Am I always guaranteed to get here? Not at all.


If you want to be safe when comparing floating-point numbers, you should "approximate" the result. See the code below.

#include <limits>
#include <type_traits>

using namespace std;

class exact{};
class approx{};

template<class> struct tolerance;

struct tolerance<float>
    static constexpr float value() { return 0.00001; }

template<class T>
bool close_enough(T a, T b, exact)
    return a == b;

template<class T>
bool close_enough(T a, T b, approx)
    return abs(a - b) <= tolerance<T>::value();

template<class T>
bool close_enough(T a, T b)
    return close_enough(a, b,
        conditional<numeric_limits<T>::is_exact, exact, approx>::type{});

int main()
    float a = 2.1234321f, b = 105.3428750f;

    if (close_enough(a * 6.1234321f / 0.1234321f, b))
        // Am I always guaranteed to get here? Yes!
        // ...


08-04 02:50