以上架构应该是标准化的4NF。但我看不到 leadGuestID,guest2ID& guest3ID 可以是外键,因为它们在任何其他表中都不作为主键存在。
The above schema is supposed to be normalised 4NF. But I cannot see how leadGuestID, guest2ID & guest3ID can be foreign keys, since they do not exist as primary keys in any other table. There are probably other issues here as well.
Foreign keys don't have to reference primary keys (they can reference any unique key, and in some DBMSs can reference any indexed columns) and don't have to have the same name as the referenced columns.
Column names are a poor substitute for two logical concepts - domain and role. Domain refers to the set of values that are valid in a column. Role refers to the meaning or purpose of the column. For example, in a (manager, subordinate)
relationship, the domain of both columns would be the set of valid employee identifiers, while the roles indicate who reports to who. Generally, when there is only one occurrence of a domain in a relation, there's no need to indicate the role.
The purpose of normalization is to eliminate redundant functional and join dependencies that create risks of inconsistent data. Before you can identify the current normal form or problems in a schema, it's necessary to determine and list the functional and join dependencies. It can't be done from column names. An understanding of the business domain of the data model may enable modelers to see possible violations quickly, but even experienced modelers make mistakes if they don't list the dependencies, so start there if you're concerned about the schema.
即使是最高标准形式的关系,也可能有多个外键。 SQL中的外键约束只是加强域完整性的一种方式,它们不会以任何方式影响依赖关系和/或规范化。
It's possible to have more than one foreign key in a relation even in the highest normal forms. Foreign key constraints in SQL are only a way of enforcing domain integrity, they don't affect dependencies and/or normalization in any way.
请注意,我并不是说 leadGuestID,guest2ID,guest3ID
Note that I'm not saying leadGuestID, guest2ID, guest3ID
is good design. The relationship between guests and reservations should probably be recorded in a separate table, but such designs don't violate the first 4 normal forms.