class Person
def name
puts "Dave"
puts Person.object_id
There are only two ways of accessing methods :
1) Someclass.method 在类方法的情况下.#where Someclass 是一个类.
1) Someclass.method in case of class methods. #where Someclass is a class.
2) 和 Object.method 当被访问的方法是在类中声明的常规方法时.而 Object 是一个类的实例.
2) and Object.method when the method being accessed is a regular method declared inside a class. and Object is an instance of a class.
它遵循模式 Object.method 那么,这是否意味着 Person 类真的是一个对象?
It follows the pattern Object.method so, does it mean Person class is really an object?
或者 object_id 是一个类方法?后者似乎不太可能,因为类方法不能继承到实例中.但是当我们做这样的事情时:
or object_id is a class method? The latter seems unlikely because class methods cannot be inherited into an instance. but when we do something like this :
a = Person.new
a.methods.include?("object_id") # this produces true
a 是 Person 类的实例,因此 object_id 不能是类方法.
a is an instance of Person class so object_id cannot be a class method.
是的,Ruby 类是对象:
Yes, Ruby classes are objects:
>> String.is_a? Object
=> true
>> String.methods.count
=> 131
>> Fixnum.methods.count
=> 128