本文介绍了流星:意外的 mongo 退出代码 100.重新启动.无法启动 mongo 服务器的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我不得不强制重启我的 mac,现在尝试在本地主机上启动一个特定的流星应用程序时出现以下错误.

I had to force reboot my mac and now get the following error when trying to start one particular meteor app on localhost.

Unexpected mongo exit code 100. Restarting.Can't start Mongo server.MongoDB has an unspecified uncaught exception.这可能是由MongoDB无法写入本地数据库引起的.检查您是否有写入.meteor的权限/当地的.MongoDB 不支持 NFS 等不允许文件锁定的文件系统.

一切正常,在错误出现之前没有进行重大更改.环顾了与该问题相关的其他线程,但到目前为止,我找到的答案都没有修复它.主要建议似乎是删除 mongod.lock 文件并正常重新启动应用程序,但这没有用.我还检查并验证了我对该文件的读/写权限.

Everything was working fine and no major changes were made before the error appeared.Have looked around at other threads relating to the problem but so far none of the answers I found have fixed it.The main suggestion seems to be deleting the mongod.lock file and re-tstarting app as normal but that hasn't worked. I also checked and verified that I have read/write permissions for the file.

另一个建议是使用 meteor reset 但我不能使用它,因为我需要应用程序数据库中当前的数据,并且重置会擦除它.

Another suggestion is using meteor reset but I can't use that because I need the data currently in the apps db and a reset will wipe it.

我尝试过的其他东西没有成功.主要是这个线程上的所有内容.在 Meteor 中运行示例的问题.

Other stuff I tried without success.Mostly everything on this thread.Problems to run examples in Meteor.

还尝试简单地运行 sudo metre 作为上面线程中建议的最新答案之一.

also tried simply running sudo meteor as one of the most recent answers suggested in thread above.

我直接从系统上的meteor 安装目录运行mongod,它在端口27017 上启动mongodb 没有任何问题.

I ran mongod directly from the meteor installation directory on my system and it starts up mongodb on port 27017 without any issues.

无奈之下,我还尝试制作一个新应用程序并将损坏的文件/文件夹导入其中.启动正常,但我无法登录,这表明相关的 mongodb 未连接到新的应用程序实例.

In desperation I've also tried making a new app and importing the files/folders from the broken one into it. That boots fine but I can't log which suggests the related mongodb is not connected to the new app instance.

有没有办法专门从终端停止所有流星特定的 mongo 进程,以确保没有隐藏的进程导致问题?我似乎记得在以这种方式解决之前与 postgres 有类似的问题.但目前我没有想法.

Is there a way to stop all meteor specific mongo processes from the terminal specifically to make sure no hidden process is causing the problem? I seem to remember having a similar problem with postgres before that was solved in this way. But for the moment I am out of ideas.


Most of the previous threads on this issue are fairly old so if any one has ran into this problem recently and fixed it in some way other than those suggested I'd be really grateful for help getting my app up and running again. If not some advice on how to do a data dump/restore to a new app without needing the meteor app to be running is much appreciated.


Sorry for long winded question and thanks in advance!

这个问题被标记为可能重复并在此处解决流星:意外的 mongo 退出代码 100.尽管如此,那里提供的答案都没有直接为我解决.一些额外的试验和先前几个答案的组合为我的案例修复了它.我将在下面发布我的答案.

This question was flagged as a possible duplicate and as being solved here Meteor: unexpected mongo exit code 100.None of the answers supplied there directly solved it for me though. A bit of extra trial and a combination of several previous answers fixed it for my case. I will post my answer below.



These are the steps that solved my instance of this problem.

  1. 删除.meteor/local/db/mongod.lock
  2. 删除.meteor/local/db/journal/j.*(注意:我只是为了以防万一!;D)
  3. 须藤流星
  1. Delete .meteor/local/db/mongod.lock
  2. Delete .meteor/local/db/journal/j.*(note: I only moved it just in case! ;D)
  3. sudo meteor

sudo 可能不是必需的,但它是我回到应用程序的唯一途径.希望这可以为某人节省一些重新启动和运行的时间.

sudo might not be necessary but it was the only way back into the app for me.Hope that saves someone a bit of time getting back up and running.

这篇关于流星:意外的 mongo 退出代码 100.重新启动.无法启动 mongo 服务器的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

07-29 23:29