我编写了一个从扫描仪扫描图像的应用程序.在我的开发机器(win7 Ultimate sp1 64bit)上可以正常工作.
I've written a application that scans images from a scanner.this works fine on my development machine (win7 ultimate sp1 64bit).
我尝试在Windows XP计算机(或Windows Server 2008 Standard)上运行该应用程序,但由于该错误而失败
i've tried to run the app on a windows xp machine (or windows server 2008 standard) and it failed with this error
似乎机器缺少WIA dll.
it seems that the machines are missing the WIA dlls.
when looking around microsoft site for the installation files, i've failed to find them.
所以我的问题是,在哪里可以找到安装文件?我可以在XP上安装WIA 2吗?
so my question are,where can i find the installation files ?and can i install WIA 2 on XP?
该错误消息表示该控件未在计算机(您的Windows XP和Windows Server 2008)上正确安装.
The error message means the control is not installed properly on the machine (your windows xp and windows server 2008).
您是否正在开发用于实现图像扫描功能的控件?如果是,则需要注册在客户端计算机上创建的dll文件,而不是WIA dll.
Are you developing a control to implement the image scanning feature? If yes, you need to register the dll file you've created on the client machine, not the WIA dll.
这篇关于WIA服务2,在Windows XP/7上下载并安装的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!