本文介绍了AngularJS UI日历不更新的日历事件的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!



I am using Angular UI-Calendar to show some events on the Calendar. The events are showing fine on the Calendar. But when I update any event's details, the event's detail is actually modified, but not modified on the Calendar display(eg: start).

起初,我修改了事件的细节后,我做了一个重新加载页面显示修改变化,它的工作too.In的方法,我只好空 $ scope.events = []; 阵列,这是我从数据库中检索条目后填写。

Initially, after I modified the event's details, I did a page reload to display modified changes and it worked too.In that method, I had empty $scope.events = []; array, which I filled after retrieving entries from DB.

但现在,我想避免页面重载。因此,一旦该事件的详细信息是从模式窗口修改,我清楚的内容 $ scope.events 使用数组 $ scope.events = []; ,然后使用API​​调用,我再次填充新事件 $ scope.events 阵列。这是因为列表视图显示修改后的事件细节做工精细。但日历本身就说明旧条目。例如,如果我更改启动从4月11日至4月13日,日历显示4月11日,而列表视图显示了修改后的数据即4月13日的事件。使用页面重载,纠正了在修改日期(4月13日)显示在该事件即。

But now, I want to avoid that page reload. So, once the event's details are modified from modal window, I clear the contents of $scope.events array using $scope.events = []; and then using API call, I fill the new events again in $scope.events array. This is working fine as the List view shows the modified events details. But the Calendar itself shows old entries. e.g if I change start from 11 April to 13 April, the calendar shows event on 11 April whereas List views shows the modified data i.e 13 April. Using Page reload, corrects this i.e event is shown on modified date(13 April).


How can I ensure that the event is modified on Calendar too without a Page reload ?

我试过 calendar.fullCalendar('渲染'); 从数据库获取新项目后,但它并没有解决问题。

I tried calendar.fullCalendar('render'); after fetching new entries from DB, but it does not solve the Problem.


Here are some codes :

$ http.put(URL,送出数据).success(功能(数据){$ window.location.reload();});

Initially I did this to send data to DB and then did a page reload to retrieve updated data.$http.put(url,senddata).success(function(data){$window.location.reload();});


Now I want to avoid the page reload, so I did

        $http.put(url,senddata).success(function(data){//$window.location.reload();//sends modified data to server
        $scope.events = [];  //clear events array

   $http.get(url2).success(function(data){  //fetch new events from server, and push in array
  $scope.schedule = data;
          for(var i=0;i<data.length;i++)
      idx: data[i].idx,
      title: data[i].title,
      description : data[i].description,
      allDay: false,
      start: new Date(data[i].start),
      end:  new Date(data[i].end),


     calendar.fullCalendar('render'); //Tried even this, didn't work




Above code pushes modified event in event array as visible in List view, but calendar still shows old event until page is reloaded.



Try maintaining the same array instance.


$ scope.events = []


$ scope.events.slice(0,$ scope.events.length);


Then when your server request comes back, add each item individually to the existing array:

为(VAR I = 0; I&LT; newEvents.length ++我){
  $ scope.events.push(newEvents [I]);


The reason I suggest this is because what you're describing sounds like the calendar might be holding onto the old list of events. The calendar might not know to update its reference, so instead, let it keep the same reference but change the contents of the array.

这篇关于AngularJS UI日历不更新的日历事件的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

07-29 11:59