我正在从事一个项目,该项目要求我从连接到编码器(带 QSB 的美国数字 S5 光学轴编码器)的串行端口读取的每个数据条目都需要精确的时间 (ms).
I am working on a project which requires precise time(ms) for each data entry I read from a serial port connected to an encoder (US digital S5 Optical Shaft Encoder with a QSB).
I installed the encoder on a small cart where I use it to count the speed of the cart.
connect to the serial port and write command to QSB to tell the encoder to stream data. commands available here:
使用 readline() 读取接收到的数据.
Use readline() to read received data.
当我将输出值阈值和间隔率设置为尽可能快时,我能够在 1 毫秒内获取数据条目.这是我得到的:
I am able to get data entries in between 1ms when I set the output value threshold and interval rate to as fast as possible.Here is what I got:
----time stamp(h/m/s/ms)-------value
data with correct time stamp: https://www.dropbox.com/s/pvo1dz56my4o99y/Capture1.JPG
However, there are abrupt "jumps", roughly 200ms when data is continuous (I am rolling the cart in a constant speed)
private void buttonOpenEncoderPort_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
serialPortEncoder.Write("S0E\r\n");//start streaming data
serialPortEncoder.Write("W0B0\r\n");//set threshold to 0 so the encoder will stream data a the interval I set.
serialPortEncoder.Write("W0C0000\r\n");//set output interval to 0 so it will stream as fast as possible
//I am using a background worker to pull data out.
private void backgroundWorkerEncoder_DoWork(object sender, DoWorkEventArgs e)
while (serialPortEncoder.IsOpen)
if (serialPortEncoder.BytesToRead != 0)
String s = serialPortEncoder.ReadLine();//read from encoder
LazerBucket.Add(getCurrentTimeWithMS(timeEncoder) + "-----" + s + "\r\n");//put one line of data with time stamp in a List<String>
richTextBoxEncoderData.BeginInvoke(new MethodInvoker(delegate()
richTextBoxEncoderData.Text = s; })); //update UI
catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.ToString()); }
private String getCurrentTimeWithMS(DateTime d)//to get time
StringBuilder s = new StringBuilder();
d = DateTime.Now;
int hour = d.Hour;
int minute = d.Minute;
int second = d.Second;
int ms = d.Millisecond;
s.Append(" ----" + hour.ToString() + ":" + minute.ToString() + ":" + second.ToString() + ":" + ms.ToString());
return s.ToString();
如果有人能找到时间跳跃的原因,我会很高兴.200 毫秒太多了,不容忽视.
I would appericiate it if someone could find the cause of the time jump. 200ms is too much to be ignored.
按照建议,我尝试了 Stopwatch
但仍然有 200 毫秒的延迟.但是当我一起打印时间戳和 BytesToRead 时,我发现缓冲区中的数据随着 readLine() 的执行而减少.最终 BytesToRead 将下降到个位数,这就是延迟发生的地方.我正在寻找关于如何实现线程的更好的解决方案.还有延迟的解释.也许我读得太快了,所以缓冲区跟不上我?
As suggested, I tried Stopwatch
but still there are 200ms delay. But when I print out time stamps and BytesToRead together, I found that data in the buffer is decreasing as readLine() is being executed. Eventually BytesToRead will drop to single digit and that's where the delay happens. I am looking for better solutions on how to implement threads. And also explanations for the delay. Maybe I am reading to fast so the buffer can't keep up with me?
problem solved. see my answer below. Thanks for replying though. Stopwatch really helps. Now I am trying to work out whether event driven or polling is better.
您使用的是 C# 4.5 吗?如果是这样,我强烈建议使用 async
而不是 BackgroundWorker
Are you using C# 4.5? If so, I highly recommend using async
over BackgroundWorker
对于实时应用程序来说并不准确.我会严格推荐 DateTime
作为 开始时间,然后在 System.Diagnostics
中使用 Stopwatch
来获取 自开始时间以来的时间.
Also, DateTime
isn't really accurate for real-time applications. I would recommend DateTime
strictly as a start time and then using Stopwatch
in System.Diagnostics
to get the elapsed time since the start time.
private void backgroundWorkerEncoder_DoWork(object sender, DoWorkEventArgs e)
var startTime = DateTime.Now;
var stopwatch = Stopwatch.StartNew();
while (serialPort.IsOpen && !backgroundWorker.CancellationPending)
if (serialPort.BytesToRead > 0)
var line = serialPort.ReadLine();
var timestamp = (startTime + stopwatch.Elapsed);
var lineString = string.Format("{0} ----{1}",
// Handle formatted line string here.
catch (Exception ex)
// Handle exception here.
至于 200 毫秒 的差异,可能是多种原因.也许 BackgroundWorker
的优先级较低,并且没有您希望的那么多 CPU 时间.也可能是 SerialPort
或实际串行设备本身的 I/O 端.
As for the 200 ms discrepancy, it could be a variety of things. Perhaps the BackgroundWorker
is on a lower priority and doesn't get as much CPU time as you hoped. Could also be something on the I/O side of either SerialPort
or the actual serial device itself.