

我正在使用Xcode 4.2,并且在我的项目中添加了AviarySDK 2.4.4.应用程序在Simulator 5.0和4.3中运行良好.我也在具有ios 4.1的设备上进行了测试.所以我想为我的客户生成.ipa文件.但是由于某种原因它无法生成存档.它给出了以下错误

I m using Xcode 4.2 and i have add AviarySDK 2.4.4 in my project.Application runs fine in Simulator 5.0 and 4.3. I also test it on device having ios 4.1. So i want to generate .ipa file for my client. But by some reason it can not generate Archives.It gives following error

"/usr/bin/strip -S/Applications/Projects/AppName/AppName/AviarySDK/Resources/AviarySDKResources.bundle/AviarySDKResources -o/Users/User/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/WDYWT-avjpbcnwjylobvgevidives/WDYWT/InstallationBuildProductsLocation/Applications/WDYWT.app/AviarySDKResources.bundle/AviarySDKResources

"/usr/bin/strip -S /Applications/Projects/AppName/AppName/AviarySDK/Resources/AviarySDKResources.bundle/AviarySDKResources -o /Users/User/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/WDYWT-avjpbcnwjylobvgevipvsqttnopd/ArchiveIntermediates/WDYWT/InstallationBuildProductsLocation/Applications/WDYWT.app/AviarySDKResources.bundle/AviarySDKResources


/usr/bin/strip: for architecture armv7 object: /Applications/Projects/AppName/AppName/AviarySDK/Resources/AviarySDKResources.bundle/AviarySDKResources malformed object (unknown load command 10)


error: strip /Applications/Projects/AppName/AppName/AviarySDK/Resources/AviarySDKResources.bundle/AviarySDKResources: /usr/bin/strip exited with 1"


Any help will really great. Many thanks in advance.



Strip errors are generally caused if you have duplicate debugging symbols in your project. Just try the following:


  1. 转到构建项目的设置
  2. 在搜索栏中键入Strip.
  3. Strip Debug Symbols During Copy下,您将找到Debug,在其下您将找到Any SDK.
  4. Any SDK中选择NO,在Debug中选择YES,然后在Strip Debug Symbols during copy中选择YES.
  5. 在下面有些地方您会找到Use Separate Strip.选择是.
  6. 检查Strip Style应该保留为All Symbols [如果不是,则将其更改为.]
  1. Go to build settings of your project
  2. Type Strip in the search Bar.
  3. Under Strip Debug Symbols During Copy, you shall find Debug and under that you shall find Any SDK.
  4. Select NO in Any SDK, select YES in Debug and select YES in Strip Debug Symbols during copy.
  5. A little below you shall find Use Separate Strip. Select YES.
  6. Check that Strip Style should remain All Symbols [If not then change it to that].


我在当前项目中使用鸟舍.我有一台Mac Mini和一台MacAir [在家工作].我遇到了同样的鸟舍脱衣问题,我使用上述第一种方法解决了这个问题.

I am using aviary in my current project. I have a Mac Mini and a MacAir [for work at home].I was facing the same strip issues with aviary which I resolved using the first method mentioned above.


It took me a week to figure this out cuz i am a relative newbie in development and nothing regarding this issue has been mentioned in aviary forums as well.


MacMini: Xcode 4.5
MacAir: Xcode 4.2



08-24 15:22