

在Mac OS X Sierra上的Safari 10 Web浏览器中,并且在打开Web Inspector的情况下,我要访问诸如google.com之类的公共网站.

In Safari 10 web browser on Mac OS X Sierra and with the Web Inspector turned on, I go visit a public website such as google.com.


How does one view HTTP headers in Safari on macOS?



(Putting the full solution here so people who haven't got as far as enabling the web inspector will see it.)

首先确保启用了Develop菜单:在Safari偏好设置(Cmd + ,)的Advanced窗格中,选择在菜单栏中显示开发菜单".

First ensure that the Develop menu is enabled: in the Advanced pane in Safari Preferences (Cmd + ,) select "Show Develop menu in menu bar".

然后,从Develop菜单中选择Show Page Resources(Cmd + Alt + A).然后,在视图的右上角,在选项卡栏的下面,有一个按钮显示详细信息侧栏"(Cmd + Alt + 0).点击它.

Then, from the Develop menu select Show Page Resources (Cmd + Alt + A). Then, in the top right corner of the view, just under the tab bar, there is a button to "Show the details sidebar" (Cmd + Alt + 0). Click it.


Then you can select each resource from the left sidebar and the headers will appear in the right sidebar. You may need to refresh the page to see them initially.


08-19 17:17