有人可以给我一些关于如何解决以下问题的指针:假设我在Excel 2010中有一个数据块,100行3列。
列C包含一些重复项,说起始为1,1,1 2,3,4,5,...,97,98
使用VBA,我想根据C列删除duplcate行,以便我留下1,2,3,.....,97 ,98,即只有98行和3列。
我知道有一个按钮,我可以点击Excel 2010做这个,但我想在VBA (因为我已经尝试了这个,因为某种原因,随后与其余的代码混淆,并给出了不正确的结果)。
Dim myarray()as Variant
myarray = cells(1,1).Currentregion.value
Dim a as Long
对于a = 1到Ubound(myarray,1)
Dim dict As Object
Dim rowCount As Long
Dim strVal As String
设置dict = CreateObject(Scripting.Dictionary)
rowCount = Sheet1.Range(A1)。CurrentRegion.Rows.Count
Do While rowCount> 1
strVal = Sheet1.Cells(rowCount,1).Value2
dict.Add strVal,0
rowCount = rowCount - 1
设置dict = Nothing
如果要使用数组,则循环使用相同条件(if / else)语句的元素。如果该词典中不存在该项目,则可以将其添加到字典中,并将行值添加到另一个数组。
Sheet1.UsedRange.RemoveDuplicates列:= 3,标题:= xlYes
Can someone please give me some pointers as to how to solve the following problem:
Assume I have a block of data in Excel 2010, 100 rows by 3 columns.
Column C contains some duplicates, say it starts off as 1,1,1 2,3,4,5, ..... ,97,98
Using VBA, I would like to remove the duplcate rows, according by column C, so that I am left with 1,2,3, ..... , 97, 98, ie only 98 rows and 3 columns.
I know there is a button I can click in Excel 2010 to do just that but I want to do it in VBA (because I have tried this and for some reason, inteferes with the rest of my code subsequently and gives incorrect results).
Furthermore, I would like to do it in arrays, then paste the results on the worksheet, rather than methods such as Application.Worksheetfunction.countif(.....
So something like:
Dim myarray() as Variant
Dim a as Long
For a=1 to Ubound(myarray,1)
'something here to
Next a
I answered a similar question. Here is the code I used:
Dim dict As Object
Dim rowCount As Long
Dim strVal As String
Set dict = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
rowCount = Sheet1.Range("A1").CurrentRegion.Rows.Count
'you can change the loop condition to iterate through the array rows instead
Do While rowCount > 1
strVal = Sheet1.Cells(rowCount, 1).Value2
If dict.exists(strVal) Then
'if doing this with an array, then add code in the Else block
' to assign values from this row to the array of unique values
dict.Add strVal, 0
End If
rowCount = rowCount - 1
Set dict = Nothing
If you want to use an array, then loop through the elements with the same conditional (if/else) statements. If the item doesn't exist in the dictionary, then you can add it to the dictionary and add the row values to another array.
Honestly, I think the most efficient way is to adapt code you'd get from the macro recorder. You can perform the above function in one line:
Sheet1.UsedRange.RemoveDuplicates Columns:=3, Header:=xlYes