


我正在使用postgreSQL (最新)启动一个新项目,该项目已经使用MySQL 5.5一段时间了.

I'm starting a new project in postgreSQL (lastest) having worked with MySQL 5.5 for a while.


In the past I've made heavy use of blackhole table to simplify my application code.
It allows me to do one insert in application code:

INSERT INTO blackhole1 (val1, val2, val3, val4 ...

CREATE TRIGGER ai_blackhole1_each AFTER INSERT ....
  INSERT INTO table1 (....
  INSERT INTO table2 (....
  INSERT INTO log (.....


And have a trigger in the blackhole table insert the values into different tables.



I know I can use a stored procedure, but that means that I cannot connect data-aware controls to a
blackhole-table. So I would love the stick as close to the MySQL original as possible.


使用PostgreSQL 9.1,您可以创建触发器,就像使用MySQL一样.请注意,无法在9.1之前的版本中的视图上创建触发器.

With PostgreSQL 9.1 you can create triggers the same way you can do it with MySQL. Note that it is not possible to create triggers on views in versions before 9.1.

您是在MySQL的 blackhole 表中使用存储引擎BLACKHOLE还是仅仅是一个名称? PostgreSQL中没有可插拔的存储引擎,但是您可以获得与MySQL中的存储引擎BLACKHOLE相同的行为,在PostgreSQL的视图上使用INSTEAD OF触发器.我不太了解您对 data-aware 控件的看法:afaik,您在BLACKHOLE表(存储引擎)中没有任何 data-awareness ,但是在另一方面,你当然可以例如将休眠实体映射到数据库视图.

Do you use storage engine BLACKHOLE for your blackhole tables in MySQL or is it just a name? There are no pluggable storage engines in PostgreSQL, but you can get the same behavior as with storage engine BLACKHOLE in MySQL with INSTEAD OF triggers on a view in PostgreSQL. I don't quite get your point concerning data-aware controls: afaik you don't have any data-awareness in a BLACKHOLE table (the storage engine), but on the other hand you can of course e.g. map a hibernate entity to a database view.


Whether it is a good or bad idea to use triggers to simplify application code depends on the actual use case. For example I prefer triggers over application logic for logging and auditing, because this approach offers a single solution for different applications connecting to the database as well as for ad hoc queries/statements by an administrator. But from my experience triggers do not remove complexity but just shift it to the database layer. This generally makes a multi-layered application harder to extend and maintain.


08-26 02:44