


I have a vertical linear layout with some input fields. Using TextInputLayout I get a nice flow with labels and built-in error messages. My problem is when I add and remove the error-messages.


If I add an error message it is positioned below the edit-text and everything looks good.

如果我使用setError(null)删除了错误消息,则消息将被删除,但是空间仍然存在.这显然是根据Google的设计(请参见 https://code.google.com/p/android/issue/detail?id = 176005 ).我非常希望删除此空间,因为它会使UI看起来非常错误.

If I remove the error message with setError(null) the message is removed but the space is still there. This is per googles design apparently(see https://code.google.com/p/android/issues/detail?id=176005). I would very much like this space removed as it makes the UI look very wrong.


If I do .setErrorEnabled(false) the view is removed and everything looks normal again. However if the user changes the data and I do another setError the error-message is not shown (only the edit text line is red).


从支持库23.1.1版开始(可能是更早的版本),情况不再如此.您应该能够调用 TextInputLayout.setErrorEnabled(false)来隐藏错误TextView,并调用 TextInputLayout.setError(error)现在内部调用 TextInputLayout.setErrorEnabled(true)(如果错误不为null或为空).请参阅以下来自支持库的代码段:

As of Support library version 23.1.1 (and perhaps earlier), this should no longer be the case. You should be able to call TextInputLayout.setErrorEnabled(false) to hide the error TextView and calling TextInputLayout.setError(error) now internally calls TextInputLayout.setErrorEnabled(true) if the error isn't null or empty. See the code snippet below, taken from the support library:

public void setError(@Nullable CharSequence error) {
    if (!mErrorEnabled) {
        if (TextUtils.isEmpty(error)) {
            // If error isn't enabled, and the error is empty, just return
        // Else, we'll assume that they want to enable the error functionality


08-20 05:34