为此,我要假装原始网址是 a href =https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc2616#section-10.3 =nofollow noreferrer> RFC 2616,第10.3节,以了解是否有更好的代码可以使用(当然,检查,当然,iOS处理更好的代码,因为它应该)。
If you control the server, it's worth reading RFC 2616, section 10.3 in its entirety to see if there's a better code you can use (while checking, of course, that iOS handles the better code as it should).
You could also make a mutable copy of the redirected request and replace its HTTP method with the HTTP method of the original request. Same general principle, though that would favour keeping things from the new request rather than the old. In some circumstances that might work better, but I haven't tested this yet.