


How do I return in Assembler a 64bit value ?I tried this:


#include <stdio.h>

double result=0;
double a = 10;
extern double func(double a);

 int main() {
    result = func(a);
    printf("result: %f\n", result);
    return 0;


      section .bss
      x: resq 1

      section .text

      global func


      movq qword[x],xmm0
      fld qword [x]
      fld qword [x]
      movq xmm0,qword[x]



It should return 20.0 but instead it is always 10.0What did I wrong?


@ petch @ Michael Petch指出,使用以下代码可以使整个函数更高效:

@Michael Petch noted that the whole function could be much more efficient with the following code:

addsd xmm0, xmm0   ; Add input parameter to itself
ret                ; Done!  (return values go in xmm0)

x86-64在XMM寄存器(而不是内存或x87堆栈)中传递/返回double.(适用于x86-64 System V ABI/调用约定和Windows x64.请参阅 x86标签wiki )


The code posted didn't have comments. Commenting it would have helped the OP, so...

;; Buggy original version with comments
movq qword[x],xmm0  ; Store current value in memory  [Why?]
fld qword [x]       ; Load current value from memory [Why??]
fld qword [x]       ; Load current value from memory again
fadd                ; Add top two stack items

movq xmm0,qword[x]  ; reload original value from memory, unmodified

double foo(double x) { return x; },但在x87堆栈上留下了垃圾.

@ElderBug noted that the OP forgot to store the result of the fadd into memory before doing the final movq, so this function simply returns its input, like
double foo(double x) { return x; } but leaving garbage on the x87 stack.

@Michael Petch继续指出,原始代码在浮点堆栈上留下了大量碎片"-没有尝试使用各种pop版本的指令(fstp,或faddp而不是fadd).这样就为下一个浮点函数留出了更少的空间-直到最终导致浮点堆栈溢出,从而导致意外的NaN!

@Michael Petch went on to note that the original code left a large amount of 'debris' on the floating point stack - there was no attempt to clean it up with various pop versions of the instructions (fstp, or faddp instead of fadd). This leaves less room for the next floating point function - until finally a floating-point stack overflow is caused, resulting in an unexpected NaN!


08-19 16:26