I've created a very simple multiuser game for learning purposes.
As users log on, each other user gets an update of all currently logged in users.
When a user logs in, it simply sets a value for that user in the SQL database to 1. When they're logged out, the value should be 0.
I'm using $(window).unload(function() {}); to try to catch tab/browser closes, but it only sortof works.
Is there a better way to catch browser or tab close?
In the event that it misses the tab close, or their machine crashes, or internet connection dies, or the user simply walks away from the machine, I want to go ahead and log them out automatically.
我正在将HTML/Jquery前端与PHP后端一起使用.我该怎么做才能解决第二个问题?我假设我需要在PHP中执行此操作..我们在假设浏览器可能不再存在的情况下工作,因此无法处理jquery内容. PHP可以在连续计时器上执行某项操作来检查用户是否还在吗……而不必简单地让用户每10秒单击一次按钮?
I'm using an HTML/Jquery frontend with PHP backend. What can I do to accomplish the second question? I assume I need to do it in PHP.. we're working under the assumption that the browser is likely no longer even around, hence not processing jquery stuff. Can PHP do something on an continuous timer that checks to see if the user is still around... without simply having the users click a button every 10 seconds?
这里有一个潜在的解决方案:如何检测用户是否已经以php登出了?但是我正在使用ajax来避免页面刷新.理想情况下,用户将从不翻页或单击任何按钮(我正在测试,请记住,这不是真正的应用程序). PHP是否会在没有刷新整个页面的情况下看到上一个活动?
There's a potential solution here: How to detect if a user has logged out, in php?But I'm using ajax to avoid page refreshes. Ideally, the user will never f5 the page, or click any buttons (I'm testing, remember, this is not a for real app). Will PHP see last activity without a full page refresh?
I've added the following code to my PHP, with a corresponding jquery function using setInterval
if (isset ($_POST['keepalive'])) {
if (filter_input(INPUT_POST,'keepalive') == '1') {
$name = $_SESSION['name'];
$time = time();
mysql_query("UPDATE tictac_names SET keep_alive = '$time' WHERE name ='$name'") or die(mysql_error());
这会将unix epoc时间戳插入到我的表中,这对于简单的计算将非常容易.
This plugs a unix epoc timestamp into my table, which will be super easy for simple calculations.
My question now is: How do I tell PHP to run a check for each logged in user ever X number of seconds? My PHP backend file is primarily just set to catch post variables and run code, then hand it back to jquery. Since this code is intended to log out inactive browsers/users, I can't rely on jquery sending a request to PHP, and there's no refresh of the PHP. Do I need to do some kind of cron job or some bizarreness to get PHP to check for all users who have not updated in the last X seconds?
I assume that, users are shown as online and offline on logout. Destroying session or cookie will require client browser in working mode.
I also assume there is a timestamp column maintained. Set an interval to check time-gap between current TS and Last Timestamp. Also update your own TS against your id to current TS.
url: "/backend.php?userid=id",
success: function(resoponse){
}, 10000);
$user_id = $_GET["userid"];
$query = "select * from table name where (GETDATE() - timestamp) > 60";
$resut = mysqli_query($con, $query);
while($row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($result)){
//set there status = 0 as offline
$other_user_id = $row['user_id'];
mysqli_query($con, "update tablename set status = 0 where user_id = '$other_user_id'");
//update your own timestamp
mysqli_query($con, "update tablename set timestamp = GETDATE() where user_id='$user_id'");
This would check user activity, or basically check if that js is running or not. If browser was closed then TS for that user won't get updated hence GETDATE() - timestamp will be greater than 60. Now other users who would be running the web app would also run the same script, checking and updating all users status as per condition.When user closes his tab he would still be online for at least 1 minute.
I had a similar problem and found solution here PHP auto logout on tab close.