


I was trying to draw a circle using 8086 assembler. I tried utilizing the midpoint circle algorithm which sadly resulted in drawing a tilted square for some reason (screenshots below). For reference, I rewrote the algorithm in python and managed to draw a circle without a problem.

我感觉我的负数操作有问题,但我一生都无法解决,因为Turbo Debugger告诉我的是什么也没有.你能指导我正确的方向吗?我附上以下代码:

I have a feeling that there is something wrong with my negative numbers manipulation but can't for the life of me figure it out because Turbo Debugger is telling me literally nothing. Could you guide me in the right direction?I enclose the code below:

; Program: graph.asm
.MODEL small
.STACK 256



jmp start
; Basic program to draw a circle
 mode db 18 ;640 x 480
 x_center dw 300
 y_center dw 200
 y_value dw 0
 x_value dw 100
 decision dw 1
 colour db 1 ;1=blue
 mov ah,00 ;subfunction 0
 mov al,mode ;select mode 18
 int 10h ;call graphics interrupt
 mov bx, x_value
 sub decision, bx
 mov al,colour ;colour goes in al
 mov ah,0ch

 mov al,colour ;colour goes in al
 mov ah,0ch

 mov cx, x_value ;Octonant 1
 add cx, x_center ;( x_value + x_center,  y_value + y_center)
 mov dx, y_value
 add dx, y_center
 int 10h

 mov cx, x_value ;Octonant 4
 neg cx
 add cx, x_center ;( -x_value + x_center,  y_value + y_center)
 int 10h

 mov cx, y_value ;Octonant 2
 add cx, x_center ;( y_value + x_center,  x_value + y_center)
 mov dx, x_value
 add dx, y_center
 int 10h

 mov cx, y_value ;Octonant 3
 neg cx
 add cx, x_center ;( -y_value + x_center,  x_value + y_center)
 int 10h

 mov cx, x_value ;Octonant 7
 add cx, x_center ;( x_value + x_center,  -y_value + y_center)
 mov dx, y_value
 neg dx
 add dx, y_center
 int 10h

 mov cx, x_value ;Octonant 5
 neg cx
 add cx, x_center ;( -x_value + x_center,  -y_value + y_center)
 int 10h

 mov cx, y_value ;Octonant 8
 add cx, x_center ;( y_value + x_center,  -x_value + y_center)
 mov dx, x_value
 neg dx
 add dx, y_center
 int 10h

 mov cx, y_value ;Octonant 6
 neg cx
 add cx, x_center ;( -y_value + x_center,  -x_value + y_center)
 int 10h

 inc y_value

 cmp decision,0
 ja condition2
 mov cx, y_value
 mov ax, 2
 imul cx
 add cx, 1
 inc cx
 add decision, cx
 mov bx, y_value
 mov dx, x_value
 cmp bx, dx
 ja readkey
 jmp drawcircle

 dec x_value
 mov cx, y_value
 sub cx, x_value
 mov ax, 2
 imul cx
 inc cx
 add decision, cx
 mov bx, y_value
 mov dx, x_value
 cmp bx, dx
 ja readkey
 jmp drawcircle

 mov ah,00
 int 16h ;wait for keypress
 mov ah,00 ;again subfunc 0
 mov al,03 ;text mode 3
 int 10h ;call int
 mov ah,04ch
 mov al,00 ;end program normally
 int 21h

END Start


Attempt in AssemblerAttempt in Python




the square which is your assembly code drew comes from equation :

|x| + |y| = constant


This means your values are not getting squared


08-13 14:41