


I am facing a problem with Node.js (v0.12.7). I am writing an application that must be stopped somewhere and wait for a result from a query to database and then what it is doing.


And the problem is not as trivial as using async (series, etc ...). I have multiple functions and modules calling each others. I tried using async but it didn't solve my problem.


Concretely speaking, I have a scheme similar to this :

db = require('db-utils');
exports.myFunction() {
    // some code ...
    while(condition) {
        for(i from 0 to x) {
            // code ...
            if(condition) {
                // code ...
                db.executeCall(callback); // async with callback
                // this where I want to stop waiting for result
                // continue doing something with the result, in my case it is jumping,
                // so I have a result = undefined
                // code ..
            // code ...
         // code ...
     // code ...
    // calculating some properties of oResult from the db query result above
    return oResult;


The ideal case, is to execute all the content of the file as sequential code, but other than the db call, all the others should work normally (I assume, some for, if, variable assignment, nothing fancy). And also, I can't put everything in the callback, because there is a code outside the if, for, and while ...


I have found wait.for, but it didn't seem to work for me (and the project seems to be abandoned as the last commit was 2 years ago :/)



I know that what was asked is against Node.js paradigm. That one should not block the process waiting for an async call, but there are times where you just have to do it (think "refactoring 5000 lines of code written for another platform by other persons and you have to port it to node" --vs-- "blocking the process for 10ms waiting for a pitiful db call").

因此,对于那些愿意违背最佳实践以及如何为限期的截止日期和资源限制而做事的人,也许只是为了好玩而已,并愿意抵制数以百万计的愤怒的人,nodejs-async-warriors,欢迎您来到 DEASYNC .

So for those who are willing to go against the best practices and how things are done for the sake of the damned deadlines and resource-limitations and maybe just for the fun of it and are ready to stand against the rage of millions of nodejs-async-warriors, you are welcome to the world of DEASYNC.


As it is stated, it interferes with the low levels of Node.js to achieve real process blocking. I hope this will help those who are in need for it.

我的搜索使我发现了其他解决方案",试图解决在Node.js中编写同步调用的问题,但是没有一种方法适合我的情况.也许在其他情况下也可以使用,因此最好先进行检查,然后再采取诸如 DEASYNC :

My search led me to discover other "solutions" trying to solve the problem of writing sync calls in Node.js, but none work for my situation. Maybe it will work in other situation, so it will be good to check them before jumping to radical measures like DEASYNC:

  • 等待:github.com/luciotato/waitfor& Wait.for-es6 :github.com/luciotato/waitfor-ES6 =>
  • Wait.for: github.com/luciotato/waitfor & Wait.for-es6: github.com/luciotato/waitfor-ES6 =>

  • 纤维:github.com/laverdet/node-fibers
  • Streamline.js :github.com/Sage/streamlinejs
  • 简单的 ES6生成器:chrisbuttery.com/articles/synchronous-asynchronous-javascript-with-es6-generators/
  • 著名的异步:github.com/caolan/async
    • Fibers: github.com/laverdet/node-fibers
    • Streamline.js: github.com/Sage/streamlinejs
    • Simple ES6 Generators: chrisbuttery.com/articles/synchronous-asynchronous-javascript-with-es6-generators/
    • The famous Async: github.com/caolan/async
    • 我希望这将用于善而不恶.

      I hope this will be used on good not in evil.


08-04 04:47