我创建了一个简单的基于Thatcher Ulrich的代码的4点变换(
var controls = [];
var canvas;
var context;
var image;
var triangles = [];
var dirtyTriangles = true;
var rand = function(s,e){
return Math.random()*(e-s)+ s;
// dom ready
image = new Image();
$ ).load(function(){
$(image).attr('src','http:// media。 gbry.com/media/NWb6sWXQQTqwg/giphy.gif');
canvas = document.createElement('canvas');
$(canvas).attr('width',500) ;
context = canvas.getContext 2d');
for(var i = 0; i var control = document.createElement('div') ;
$(controls [0])css('left',rand(25,225));
$(controls [0])css ,225));
$(controls [1])css('left',rand(250,475));
$(controls [1] top; rand(25,225));
$(controls [2])。css('left'
$(controls [2])css('top',rand(250,475));
$(controls [3])css('left',rand(25,225));
$(controls [3])css('top',rand(250,475));
var node = e.target;
var x = e.pageX;
var y = e.pageY;
dirtyTriangles = true;
} b
$ b $('body')。mouseup(function(e){
$('body')。 off(mouseup);
var draw = function(){
var render = function(wireframe,image,tri){
context.strokeStyle =black;
tri。 p1.x,tri.p1.y,
tri.t1。 u,tri.t1.v,
dirtyTriangles = false;
var calculateGeometry = function(){
triangles = [];
var subs = 7; // vertical subdivisions
var divs = 7; //水平细分
var p1 = new Point(parseInt($(controls [0])。css('left'))+ 6,parseInt($(controls [0])。css 'top'))+ 6);
var p2 = new Point(parseInt($(controls [1])。css('left'))+ 6,parseInt($(controls [1] ;
var p3 = new Point(parseInt($(controls [2])。css('left'))+ 6,parseInt($(controls [2] ;
var p4 = new Point(parseInt($(controls [3])。css('left'))+ 6,parseInt($(controls [3] ;
var dx1 = p4.x - p1.x;
var dy1 = p4.y - p1.y;
var dx2 = p3.x - p2.x;
var dy2 = p3.y - p2.y;
var imgW = image.naturalWidth;
var imgH = image.naturalHeight;
for(var sub = 0; sub< subs; ++ sub){
var curRow = sub /
var nextRow =(sub + 1)/ subs;
var curRowX1 = p1.x + dx1 * curRow;
var curRowY1 = p1.y + dy1 * curRow;
var curRowX2 = p2.x + dx2 * curRow;
var curRowY2 = p2.y + dy2 * curRow;
var nextRowX1 = p1.x + dx1 * nextRow;
var nextRowY1 = p1.y + dy1 * nextRow;
var nextRowX2 = p2.x + dx2 * nextRow;
var nextRowY2 = p2.y + dy2 * nextRow;
for(var div = 0; div< divs; ++ div){
var curCol = div / divs;
var nextCol =(div + 1)/ divs;
var dCurX = curRowX2 - curRowX1;
var dCurY = curRowY2 - curRowY1;
var dNextX = nextRowX2 - nextRowX1;
var dNextY = nextRowY2 - nextRowY1;
var p1x = curRowX1 + dCurX * curCol;
var p1y = curRowY1 + dCurY * curCol;
var p2x = curRowX1 +(curRowX2 - curRowX1)* nextCol;
var p2y = curRowY1 +(curRowY2 - curRowY1)* nextCol;
var p3x = nextRowX1 + dNextX * nextCol;
var p3y = nextRowY1 + dNextY * nextCol;
var p4x = nextRowX1 + dNextX * curCol;
var p4y = nextRowY1 + dNextY * curCol;
var u1 = curCol * imgW;
var u2 = nextCol * imgW;
var v1 = curRow * imgH;
var v2 = nextRow * imgH;
var triangle1 = new Triangle(
new Point(p1x,p1y),
new Point(p3x,p3y),
new Point(p4x,p4y)
new TextCoord(u1,v1),
new TextCoord(u2,v2),
new TextCoord(u1,v2)
var triangle2 = new三角形(
new TextCoord(u1,v1),
new TextCoord(u2,v1),
new TextCoord(u2,v2)
var drawTriangle = function ctx,im,x0,y0,x1,y1,x2,y2,
//ctx.stroke();//线框的$ xxxxxx
/ *
[m11 m21 dx]
[m12 m22 dy]
[0 0 1]
x_out = m11 * x + m21 * y + dx;
y_out = m12 * x + m22 * y + dy;
coords到dest coords的转换值:
sy0(x2 - x1) - sy1 x2 + sy2 x1 +(sy1-sy2)x0
[m11 = - ----------------------------------- ------------------,
sx0(sy2 - sy1) - sx1 sy2 + sx2 sy1 +(sx1 - sx2)sy0
sy1 y2 + sy0(y1-y2)-sy2 y1 +(sy2-sy1)y0
m12 = ------------------------- ----------------------------,
sx0(sy2 - sy1) - sx1 sy2 + sx2 sy1 +(sx1 - sx2 )sy0
sx0(x2 - x1) - sx1 x2 + sx2 x1 +(sx1 - sx2)x0
m21 = --------------- --------------------------------------,
sx0(sy2 - sy1) - sx1 sy2 + sx2 sy1 +(sx1 - sx2)sy0
sx1 y2 + sx0(y1 - y2) - sx2 y1 +(sx2 - sx1)y0
m22 = - ---- -------------------------------------------------,
sx0(sy2-sy1) - sx1 sy2 + sx2 sy1 +(sx1 - sx2)sy0
sx0(sy2 x1 - sy1 x2)+ sy0(sx1 x2 - sx2 x1)+ sx2 sy1 - sx1 sy2)x0
dx = ------------------------------------- ---------------------------------,
sx0(sy2 - sy1) - sx1 sy2 + sx2 sy1 +(sx1-sx2)sy0
sx0(sy2 y1 - sy1 y2)+ sy0(sx1 y2 - sx2 y1)+(sx2 sy1 - sx1 sy2)y0
dy = --- -------------------------------------------------- -----------------]
sx0(sy2 - sy1) - sx1 sy2 + sx2 sy1 +(sx1 - sx2)sy0
* /
// TODO:消除常见的子表达式。
var denom = sx0 *(sy2-sy1)-sx1 * sy2 + sx2 * sy1 +(sx1-sx2)* sy0;
if(denom == 0){
var m11 = - (sy0 *(x2-x1)-sy1 * x2 + sy2 * x1 +(sy1-sy2)* x0)/ denom;
var m12 =(sy1 * y2 + sy0 *(y1-y2)-sy2 * y1 +(sy2-sy1)* y0)/ denom;
var m21 =(sx0 *(x2-x1)-sx1 * x2 + sx2 * x1 +(sx1-sx2)* x0)/ denom;
var m22 = - (sx1 * y2 + sx0 *(y1-y2)-sx2 * y1 +(sx2-sx1)* y0)/ denom;
var dx =(sx0 *(sy2 * x1-sy1 * x2)+ sy0 *(sx1 * x2 - sx2 * x1)+(sx2 * sy1-sx1 * sy2)* x0)/ denom;
var dy =(sx0 *(sy2 * y1-sy1 * y2)+ sy0 *(sx1 * y2-sx2 * y1)+(sx2 * sy1-sx1 * sy2)* y0)
// TODO:如果我们指定了
var Point = function(x,y){
this.x = x?x:0;
this.y = y?y:0;
var p = Point.prototype;
p.length = function(point){
point = point?point:new Point();
var xs = 0,ys = 0;
xs = point.x - this.x;
xs = xs * xs;
ys = point.y - this.y;
ys = ys * ys;
return Math.sqrt(xs + ys);
var TextCoord = function(u,v){
this.u = u?u:0;
this.v = v?v:0;
this.p0 = p0;
this.p1 = p1;
this.p2 = p2;
this.t0 = t0;
this.t1 = t1;
this.t2 = t2;
Is it possible, and if so how, to draw images with its four corners distorted to a non rectangular shape. For example if you were wanting to draw the image as if it had been rotated around in 3d space.
I created a simple 4 point transform based on Thatcher Ulrich's code (http://tulrich.com/geekstuff/canvas/perspective.html). This version just extracts the small bit of triangle code and handles the geometry subdivision for proper transformation. Enjoy!
var controls = [];
var canvas;
var context;
var image;
var triangles = [];
var dirtyTriangles = true;
var rand = function(s,e) {
return Math.random() * (e-s) + s;
// dom ready
$(document).ready(function() {
image = new Image();
$(image).load(function() {
setInterval(draw, 1000 / 60);
$(image).attr('src', 'http://media.giphy.com/media/NWb6sWXQQTqwg/giphy.gif');
canvas = document.createElement('canvas');
$(canvas).attr('width', 500);
$(canvas).attr('height', 500);
context = canvas.getContext('2d');
for (var i = 0; i < 4; ++i) {
var control = document.createElement('div');
$(controls[0]).css('left', rand(25, 225));
$(controls[0]).css('top', rand(25, 225));
$(controls[1]).css('left', rand(250, 475));
$(controls[1]).css('top', rand(25, 225));
$(controls[2]).css('left', rand(250, 475));
$(controls[2]).css('top', rand(250, 475));
$(controls[3]).css('left', rand(25, 225));
$(controls[3]).css('top', rand(250, 475));
$('body').mousedown(function(e) {
if ($(e.target).hasClass('node')) {
var node = e.target;
$('body').mousemove(function(e) {
var x = e.pageX;
var y = e.pageY;
$(node).css('left', x);
$(node).css('top', y);
dirtyTriangles = true;
$('body').mouseup(function(e) {
$('body').off( "mousemove" );
$('body').off( "mouseup" );
var draw = function() {
var render = function(wireframe, image, tri) {
if (wireframe) {
context.strokeStyle = "black";
context.moveTo(tri.p0.x, tri.p0.y);
context.lineTo(tri.p1.x, tri.p1.y);
context.lineTo(tri.p2.x, tri.p2.y);
context.lineTo(tri.p0.x, tri.p0.y);
if (image) {
drawTriangle(context, image,
tri.p0.x, tri.p0.y,
tri.p1.x, tri.p1.y,
tri.p2.x, tri.p2.y,
tri.t0.u, tri.t0.v,
tri.t1.u, tri.t1.v,
tri.t2.u, tri.t2.v);
if (dirtyTriangles) {
dirtyTriangles = false;
for (triangle of triangles) {
render(true, image, triangle);
var calculateGeometry = function() {
// clear triangles out
triangles = [];
// generate subdivision
var subs = 7; // vertical subdivisions
var divs = 7; // horizontal subdivisions
var p1 = new Point(parseInt($(controls[0]).css('left')) + 6, parseInt($(controls[0]).css('top')) + 6);
var p2 = new Point(parseInt($(controls[1]).css('left')) + 6, parseInt($(controls[1]).css('top')) + 6);
var p3 = new Point(parseInt($(controls[2]).css('left')) + 6, parseInt($(controls[2]).css('top')) + 6);
var p4 = new Point(parseInt($(controls[3]).css('left')) + 6, parseInt($(controls[3]).css('top')) + 6);
var dx1 = p4.x - p1.x;
var dy1 = p4.y - p1.y;
var dx2 = p3.x - p2.x;
var dy2 = p3.y - p2.y;
var imgW = image.naturalWidth;
var imgH = image.naturalHeight;
for (var sub = 0; sub < subs; ++sub) {
var curRow = sub / subs;
var nextRow = (sub + 1) / subs;
var curRowX1 = p1.x + dx1 * curRow;
var curRowY1 = p1.y + dy1 * curRow;
var curRowX2 = p2.x + dx2 * curRow;
var curRowY2 = p2.y + dy2 * curRow;
var nextRowX1 = p1.x + dx1 * nextRow;
var nextRowY1 = p1.y + dy1 * nextRow;
var nextRowX2 = p2.x + dx2 * nextRow;
var nextRowY2 = p2.y + dy2 * nextRow;
for (var div = 0; div < divs; ++div) {
var curCol = div / divs;
var nextCol = (div + 1) / divs;
var dCurX = curRowX2 - curRowX1;
var dCurY = curRowY2 - curRowY1;
var dNextX = nextRowX2 - nextRowX1;
var dNextY = nextRowY2 - nextRowY1;
var p1x = curRowX1 + dCurX * curCol;
var p1y = curRowY1 + dCurY * curCol;
var p2x = curRowX1 + (curRowX2 - curRowX1) * nextCol;
var p2y = curRowY1 + (curRowY2 - curRowY1) * nextCol;
var p3x = nextRowX1 + dNextX * nextCol;
var p3y = nextRowY1 + dNextY * nextCol;
var p4x = nextRowX1 + dNextX * curCol;
var p4y = nextRowY1 + dNextY * curCol;
var u1 = curCol * imgW;
var u2 = nextCol * imgW;
var v1 = curRow * imgH;
var v2 = nextRow * imgH;
var triangle1 = new Triangle(
new Point(p1x, p1y),
new Point(p3x, p3y),
new Point(p4x, p4y),
new TextCoord(u1, v1),
new TextCoord(u2, v2),
new TextCoord(u1, v2)
var triangle2 = new Triangle(
new Point(p1x, p1y),
new Point(p2x, p2y),
new Point(p3x, p3y),
new TextCoord(u1, v1),
new TextCoord(u2, v1),
new TextCoord(u2, v2)
// from http://tulrich.com/geekstuff/canvas/jsgl.js
var drawTriangle = function(ctx, im, x0, y0, x1, y1, x2, y2,
sx0, sy0, sx1, sy1, sx2, sy2) {
// Clip the output to the on-screen triangle boundaries.
ctx.moveTo(x0, y0);
ctx.lineTo(x1, y1);
ctx.lineTo(x2, y2);
//ctx.stroke();//xxxxxxx for wireframe
ctx.transform(m11, m12, m21, m22, dx, dy) sets the context transform matrix.
The context matrix is:
[ m11 m21 dx ]
[ m12 m22 dy ]
[ 0 0 1 ]
Coords are column vectors with a 1 in the z coord, so the transform is:
x_out = m11 * x + m21 * y + dx;
y_out = m12 * x + m22 * y + dy;
From Maxima, these are the transform values that map the source
coords to the dest coords:
sy0 (x2 - x1) - sy1 x2 + sy2 x1 + (sy1 - sy2) x0
[m11 = - -----------------------------------------------------,
sx0 (sy2 - sy1) - sx1 sy2 + sx2 sy1 + (sx1 - sx2) sy0
sy1 y2 + sy0 (y1 - y2) - sy2 y1 + (sy2 - sy1) y0
m12 = -----------------------------------------------------,
sx0 (sy2 - sy1) - sx1 sy2 + sx2 sy1 + (sx1 - sx2) sy0
sx0 (x2 - x1) - sx1 x2 + sx2 x1 + (sx1 - sx2) x0
m21 = -----------------------------------------------------,
sx0 (sy2 - sy1) - sx1 sy2 + sx2 sy1 + (sx1 - sx2) sy0
sx1 y2 + sx0 (y1 - y2) - sx2 y1 + (sx2 - sx1) y0
m22 = - -----------------------------------------------------,
sx0 (sy2 - sy1) - sx1 sy2 + sx2 sy1 + (sx1 - sx2) sy0
sx0 (sy2 x1 - sy1 x2) + sy0 (sx1 x2 - sx2 x1) + (sx2 sy1 - sx1 sy2) x0
dx = ----------------------------------------------------------------------,
sx0 (sy2 - sy1) - sx1 sy2 + sx2 sy1 + (sx1 - sx2) sy0
sx0 (sy2 y1 - sy1 y2) + sy0 (sx1 y2 - sx2 y1) + (sx2 sy1 - sx1 sy2) y0
dy = ----------------------------------------------------------------------]
sx0 (sy2 - sy1) - sx1 sy2 + sx2 sy1 + (sx1 - sx2) sy0
// TODO: eliminate common subexpressions.
var denom = sx0 * (sy2 - sy1) - sx1 * sy2 + sx2 * sy1 + (sx1 - sx2) * sy0;
if (denom == 0) {
var m11 = -(sy0 * (x2 - x1) - sy1 * x2 + sy2 * x1 + (sy1 - sy2) * x0) / denom;
var m12 = (sy1 * y2 + sy0 * (y1 - y2) - sy2 * y1 + (sy2 - sy1) * y0) / denom;
var m21 = (sx0 * (x2 - x1) - sx1 * x2 + sx2 * x1 + (sx1 - sx2) * x0) / denom;
var m22 = -(sx1 * y2 + sx0 * (y1 - y2) - sx2 * y1 + (sx2 - sx1) * y0) / denom;
var dx = (sx0 * (sy2 * x1 - sy1 * x2) + sy0 * (sx1 * x2 - sx2 * x1) + (sx2 * sy1 - sx1 * sy2) * x0) / denom;
var dy = (sx0 * (sy2 * y1 - sy1 * y2) + sy0 * (sx1 * y2 - sx2 * y1) + (sx2 * sy1 - sx1 * sy2) * y0) / denom;
ctx.transform(m11, m12, m21, m22, dx, dy);
// Draw the whole image. Transform and clip will map it onto the
// correct output triangle.
// TODO: figure out if drawImage goes faster if we specify the rectangle that
// bounds the source coords.
ctx.drawImage(im, 0, 0);
// point class
var Point = function(x,y) {
this.x = x?x:0;
this.y = y?y:0;
var p = Point.prototype;
p.length = function(point) {
point = point?point:new Point();
var xs =0, ys =0;
xs = point.x - this.x;
xs = xs * xs;
ys = point.y - this.y;
ys = ys * ys;
return Math.sqrt( xs + ys );
var TextCoord = function(u,v) {
this.u = u?u:0;
this.v = v?v:0;
var Triangle = function(p0, p1, p2, t0, t1, t2) {
this.p0 = p0;
this.p1 = p1;
this.p2 = p2;
this.t0 = t0;
this.t1 = t1;
this.t2 = t2;