I have a hexidecimal string that I need to convert to a byte array. The best way (ie efficient and least code) is:
string hexstr = "683A2134";
byte[] bytes = new byte[hexstr.Length/2];
for(int x = 0; x < bytes.Length; x++)
bytes[x] = Convert.ToByte(hexstr.Substring(x * 2, 2), 16);
In the case where I have a 32bit value I can do the following:
string hexstr = "683A2134";
byte[] bytes = BitConverter.GetBytes(Convert.ToInt32(hexstr, 16));
However what about in the general case? Is there a better built in function, or a clearer (doesn't have to be faster, but still performant) way of doing this?
I would prefer a built in function as there seems to be one for everything (well common things) except this particular conversion.
You get the best performance if you calculate the values from the character codes instead of creating substrings and parsing them.
Code in C#, that handles both upper and lower case hex (but no validation):
static byte[] ParseHexString(string hex) {
byte[] bytes = new byte[hex.Length / 2];
int shift = 4;
int offset = 0;
foreach (char c in hex) {
int b = (c - '0') % 32;
if (b > 9) b -= 7;
bytes[offset] |= (byte)(b << shift);
shift ^= 4;
if (shift != 0) offset++;
return bytes;
byte[] bytes = ParseHexString("1fAB44AbcDEf00");
As the code uses a few tricks, here a commented version:
static byte[] ParseHexString(string hex) {
// array to put the result in
byte[] bytes = new byte[hex.Length / 2];
// variable to determine shift of high/low nibble
int shift = 4;
// offset of the current byte in the array
int offset = 0;
// loop the characters in the string
foreach (char c in hex) {
// get character code in range 0-9, 17-22
// the % 32 handles lower case characters
int b = (c - '0') % 32;
// correction for a-f
if (b > 9) b -= 7;
// store nibble (4 bits) in byte array
bytes[offset] |= (byte)(b << shift);
// toggle the shift variable between 0 and 4
shift ^= 4;
// move to next byte
if (shift != 0) offset++;
return bytes;