

现在,我将所有项目都保存在笔记本电脑上.我认为我不应该这样做,而是使用版本控制系统并从外部托管存储库(Google Code、SourceForge 等)检入/检出它们.我在这里看到了几个好处 - 首先,如果我的计算机崩溃和烧毁或我的外部硬盘崩溃和烧毁,我不必担心丢失我的代码;其次,我可以与全世界分享我的代码,甚至可能在我需要时获得更多帮助.

Right now, I keep all of my projects on my laptop. I'm thinking that I shouldn't do this, but instead use a version control system and check them in/out from an external hosting repository (Google Code, SourceForge, etc). I see several benefits here - first, I don't have to worry about losing my code if my computer crashes and burns or my external HDD crashes and burns; second, I can share my code with the world and perhaps even get more help when I need it.

这是个好主意吗?如果是这样,我应该调查哪些其他项目宿主(除了 Google Code 和 SourceForge)?

Is this a good idea? If so, what are some other project hosts that I should investigate (other than Google Code and SourceForge)?


在因硬盘崩溃而失去一些自由职业后,我开始热衷于只有在源代码控制中它才会存在"的理念.因为我不想与世界其他地方分享我的项目的源代码,所以我支付网络托管费用(使用 Dreamhost 在基本共享托管和简单的一键安装方面有很多优惠,比如 subversion)并以这种方式存储我的数据.他们并没有声称是任何类型的备份服务,但我真正想要的只是异地某处的第二个副本.

After losing some freelance work to a hard drive crash, I've become keen on the philosophy that "It doesn't exist until its in source control". As I don't want to necessarily share the source for my projects with the rest of the world, I pay for webhosting (using Dreamhost who have great deals on basic shared hosting and easy one-click installs for things like subversion) and store my data that way. They don't claim to be any sort of backup service, but all I really want is a second copy offsite somewhere.

如果我决定共享代码,我可以随时将其公开.请注意,sourceforge 不允许私人/个人项目,并且 Google Code 强制您使用开源许可证来许可您的代码.两者都对您可以创建的项目数量有一些限制(并不是真的要存储每个人及其兄弟的个人项目).

If I do decide to share the code I can always make it public later. Do note that sourceforge does not allow private/personal projects, and Google Code forces you to license your code using an open source license. Both have some limitations on the number of projects you can create (and aren't really intended to store everybody and their brother's personal projects).

Assembla 看起来很漂亮,虽然很难说你免费得到了什么.我肯定会尝试一下.

Assembla looks pretty slick although it is hard to tell what all you get for free. I'm definitely going to try it out.



05-18 02:00