我有.NET 4.0 WinForms应用程序,并且我将实体框架5"与模型优先"方法一起使用.在VS EF Designer中,我创建了十几个具有很多String
类型标量属性的实体,然后在属性工具栏"中配置了参数(即 General 参数, Facets 参数),以符合数据库要求.
I have .NET 4.0 WinForms Application, and I use Entity Framework 5 with Model First Approach. In VS EF Designer, I have created a dozen or so entities with a lot of scalar properties of String
type, then in Properties Toolbar I have configured parameters (i.e. General parameters, Facets Parameters) for them, to fit DB requirements.
在BL层中,我能够验证实体对象以检查其是否包含正确的值,例如使用DbContext.Entry(Of T)(entity).GetValidationResult()
In BL layer I am able to validate entity object in purpose to check whether it contains correct values, for example by using DbContext.Entry(Of T)(entity).GetValidationResult()
method. But I need to develop also GUI layer input fields validation for WinForms. I would like to implement dynamic GUI validation, based on metadata values of entity set properties, to have BL validation synchronized with GUI validation, and to avoid redundancy of source code written.
My question is: How can I get metadata values, particularly facets metadata values (i.e. Fixed Length, Max Length, Nullable) of auto-generated entities on runtime?
据我所知,有可能利用基于手动创建的部分类中的属性属性的数据注释.但是,在模型优先"方法中,此解决方案还可能涉及VS EF设计器属性工具栏和数据库中元数据的冗余问题和同步问题.
As I know, there is a possibility to take advantage of data annotations based on properties attributes in manually created partial class. However, in Model First approach, this solution may also involve redundancy issues and synchronization problems with metadata from VS EF Designer Properties Toolbar and Database.
This should help you get started, but you'd need to get to debugger and test specifically to get what you need...
using (var db = new MyContext())
var objectContext = ((IObjectContextAdapter)db).ObjectContext;
var baseset = objectContext
.GetEntityContainer(objectContext.DefaultContainerName, DataSpace.CSpace)
.First(meta => meta.ElementType.Name == "YourEntityClassName");
var elementType = objectContext
.GetEntityContainer(objectContext.DefaultContainerName, DataSpace.CSpace)
.First(meta => meta.ElementType.Name == "YourEntityClassName")
EdmMember member = elementType.Members[2];
Facet item;
// if (member.TypeUsage.Facets.TryGetValue(EdmProviderManifest.StoreGeneratedPatternFacetName, false, out item))
if (member.TypeUsage.Facets.TryGetValue("StoreGeneratedPattern", false, out item))
var value = ((StoreGeneratedPattern)item.Value) == StoreGeneratedPattern.Computed;
But that's just part of the story.
我意识到这在某些情况下是可行的(因此您需要进行一些试验),具体取决于您的需求.但您也有other spaces
What I realized is that's working in some cases (thus you need to experiment a bit) depending on what you need. But you also have other spaces
in there - e.g. the SSpace
. So e.g. for table names this works better...
var ssSpaceSet = objectContext.MetadataWorkspace.GetItems<EntityContainer>(DataSpace.SSpace).First()
.First(meta => meta.ElementType.Name == "YourTableName");
...and then private Table
In your case you should most info in there - but e.g. the above store generated is not populated there - but in some other 'space' I guess (more in one of the links on that).
如何以编程方式读取EF DbContext元数据?
And take a look at the following links:
Get Model schema to programmatically create database using a provider that doesn't support CreateDatabase
How I can read EF DbContext metadata programmatically?
How check by unit test that properties mark as computed in ORM model?