在 Visual Studio(社区 2015 更新 3)在部署带有蓝屏的 UWP 项目时崩溃(意外的商店异常,这之前发生过),我无法再部署任何项目.我尝试使用 VS 崩溃的项目、该项目的先前版本以及完全空的新项目.
After Visual Studio (Community 2015 Update 3) crashed on deploying a UWP project with a bluescreen (Unexpected Store Exception, this has happened before), i can not deploy any projects anymore. I tried with the project VS crashed on, previous versions of that project as well as completely empty new projects.
'.',十六进制值 0x00,是一个无效字符.第 1 行,位置 1.
'.', hexadecimal value 0x00, is an invalid character. Line 1, position 1.
修复 Visual Studio 没有任何区别.
Repairing Visual Studio made no difference.
我找不到问题所在,但假设在崩溃期间某些东西已损坏.完全重新安装 VS 不仅仅是修复吗?这甚至可能需要更严厉的步骤吗?
I can not locate the problem, but assume something was corrupted during the crash. Would a complete reinstall of VS do more than just a repair here? Does this maybe even require more drastic steps?
在 Windows 崩溃后部署到本地计算机时出现完全相同的错误和症状.VS 的修复/重新安装没有帮助.即使系统还原也无法解决问题.
Had same exact error and symptoms deploying to local machine after Windows Crash. Repair/Reinstall of VS did not help. Even system restore could not fix the problem.
对我来说,我必须删除 AppData/Local/Microsoft/VisualStudio
文件夹才能让 VS 重建必要的文件.
For me I had to delete AppData/Local/Microsoft/VisualStudio
folder for VS to rebuilt the necessary files.
这篇关于DEP0600 部署 UWP 项目时出错的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!