因此,当一个动态阵列的大小,每次添加的元素时间加倍,我明白扩大的时间复杂度如何为O(n)n是元素。怎么样,如果阵列复制并转移到一个新的数组,它是只有1规模更大的时候才满了吗? (而不是增加一倍),当我们被一些常数C调整,它的时间复杂度始终为O(n)?
So when a dynamic array is doubled in size each time an element is added, I understand how the time complexity for expanding is O(n) n being the elements. What about if the the array is copied and moved to a new array that is only 1 size bigger when it is full? (instead of doubling) When we resize by some constant C, it the time complexity always O(n)?
If you grow by some fixed constant C, then no, the runtime will not be O(n). Instead, it will be Θ(n).
要看到这一点,想想如果你可做C连续的操作顺序会发生什么。这些业务,C - 其中1需要时间O(1),因为空间已经存在。最近的操作将需要时间为O(n),因为它需要重新分配阵列,增加空间,并复制所做的一切。因此,C任何操作序列将需要时间为O(n + C)。
To see this, think about what happens if you do a sequence of C consecutive operations. Of those operations, C - 1 of them will take time O(1) because space already exists. The last operation will take time O(n) because it needs to reallocate the array, add space, and copy everything over. Therefore, any sequence of C operations will take time O(n + c).
So now consider what happens if you perform a sequence of n operations. Break those operations up into blocks of size C; there will be n / C of them. The total work required to perform those operations will be
(C + C)+(2C + C)+(3C + C)+ ... +(N + C)
= CN / C +(C + 2C + 3C + ... + NC / C)
= cn / c + (c + 2c + 3c + ... + nc / c)
= N + C(1 + 2 + 3 + ... + N / C)
= n + c(1 + 2 + 3 + ... + n / c)
= N + C(N / C)(N / C + 1)/ 2
= n + c(n/c)(n/c + 1)/2
= N + N(N / C + 1)/ 2
= n + n(n/c + 1)/2
= N + N / C + N / 2
= n + n / c + n / 2
=西塔(N )
Contrast this with the math for when you double the array size whenever you need more space: the total work done is
1 + 2 + 4 + 8 + 16 + 32 + ... + N
= 1 + 2 + 4 + 8 + ... + 2
= 1 + 2 + 4 + 8 + ... + 2
= 2 - 1
= 2 - 1
= 2 - 1
= 2n - 1