I know that parts of this question was asked in several variation but I want to make sure I got it right.
Here are my assumptions and understandings which I want to know if they are correct before submitting.
My application assumes features supported by all OS, and so I should:
- 将 Active SDK 设置为最新版本(当前为 SDK 3.0).
- 将部署目标设置为我希望支持的较低级别 - iPhone 2.0 及更高版本?
- Base SDK 到底有什么用?如果我选择了不同的 Active SDK,我应该忽略它吗?在项目设置中我在哪里可以看到 Active SDK?
最后一个问题 - 苹果是否允许选择 iPhone OS 2.0 作为部署目标?
One final question - is apple allowing to choose iPhone OS 2.0 as the Deployment Target?
顺便说一句 - 我提出这个问题的主要原因之一是,当使用早期的 SDK 进行编译时,当此动画被保存多次使用时,苹果似乎在释放 UIImageView 动画数组的内存时出现问题.这是一个已知问题,已在 SDK 3.0 中修复(只需将 UIImageView 动画数组设置为 nil)
BTW - one of my main reason for this question is because when compiling with earlier SDKs apple seems to have a problem releasing the memory for UIImageView animation array when this animation was saved for multiple time usage. This is a known problem that was fixed with SDK 3.0 (by simply setting the UIImageView animation array to nil)
Base SDK 和 Active SDK 的区别在于前者是项目的默认 SDK 集,后者是您当前构建的 SDK.因此,您的 Active SDK 可能是 Base SDK,此时 XCode 将使用您为项目指定的 SDK.
The difference between the Base and Active SDK is that the former is the default SDK set for the project and the latter is the SDK you are currently building against. So it is possible for your Active SDK to be the Base SDK, at which point XCode will use the SDK you specified for the project.
In order to build your app for the widest set of devices possible, you are correct:
- 将基础 SDK 设置为最新的 SDK(3.0、3.0.1)
- 将部署目标设置为尽可能早的 SDK (2.0)
Apple 确实允许您将 iPhone 2.0 指定为部署目标,但请记住,在 iPhone 2.0 之后发布的任何 API 或框架默认情况下将无法供您使用.有 使用来自后期 SDK 的功能的技术,但它们很重要.
Apple does allow you to specify iPhone 2.0 as the Deployment Target, but keep in mind any API or framework released after iPhone 2.0 you will not have available to you for use by default. There are techniques to use features from later SDKs, however they are nontrivial.