我有一个.NET Web服务。
I have a .NET web service.
It serves AJAX requests from web users.
我只是想知道如何自动获取用户的时区......不是当前的时间偏移,但实际时区 - 样,中部标准时间为-5:00现在,但东部标准时间将是-5 :00,一旦夏令结束。我想区分这些用户。
I would simply like to know how to automatically get the user's timezone... Not current time offset, but the actual timezone - like, Central Standard Time is -5:00 right now, but Eastern Standard Time will be -5:00 once daylight savings is over. I want to differentiate these users.
I would also like to know how to get their culture settings ("en-US", etc.) so I can render DateTimes and numbers from my web service to their specific preferences.
Any Javascript or .NET solution will work.Thanks.
Note: Asking the user would be a complete last resort, since it's a web service.
假设你的客户端连接到Web服务从一个浏览器,就可以使用Request.Headers [接受语言]来检测浏览器的文化settings.It是不可能直接从服务器获取的时区,则需要在客户端上一些JavaScript来计算自己的本地时钟与格林尼治标准时间之间的时间差。
Assuming your clients connect to the webservice from a browser, you can use Request.Headers["Accept-Language"] to detect the browser's culture settings.It is not possible to get the timezone directly from the server, you need some javascript on the client to compute a time difference between their local clock and GMT.
If your webservice is consumed diferently (ie. not from a browser), you will need to add these two pieces of information as parameters to your webservice methods.