

Cannot find PHPUnit in include path是我尝试在phpstorm中运行代码时收到的错误消息.

Cannot find PHPUnit in include path is the error message I get when I try to run my code in phpstorm.

在"PHP设置"中,我的PHP级别语言是5.4 (traits, short array syntax, etc.),解释器是Name(5.4.7),其中Name是用户定义的.

In the PHP Settings, my PHP level language is 5.4 (traits, short array syntax, etc.) and interpreter is Name(5.4.7) where Name is user defined.


The error appears when I try to run the code and the exact message is this:

C:\ xampp2 \ htdocs \ ft网站



Testing started at 2:34 PM ...


Process finished with exit code 1

在包含路径(.; C:\ xampp2 \ php \ PEAR)中找不到PHPUnit`

Cannot find PHPUnit in include path (.;C:\xampp2\php\PEAR)`



Just encountered this problem myself.

我不确定为什么无法在包含路径中找到PHPUnit(尽管事实是 在那里,尽管都是小写).

I'm unsure why it is unable to find PHPUnit in the include path (despite the fact that it is there, albeit in all lowercase).

我通过更改PHPUnit的IntelliJ首选项(在PHP --> PHPUnit下)解决了这个问题.我将PHPUnit library设置更改为Use custom loader,然后指定了phpunit可执行文件的路径.在我的Mac上是/usr/local/Cellar/php54/5.4.26/bin/phpunit.

I got around this by changing my IntelliJ Preferences for PHPUnit (under PHP --> PHPUnit). I changed the PHPUnit library settings to Use custom loader and then specified the path to the phpunit executable. On my mac, that was /usr/local/Cellar/php54/5.4.26/bin/phpunit.



I just discovered that pear now installs PHPUnit as a phar named phpunit. It previously installed the PHPUnit source, which was really nice for reference and code completion in PHPStorm. I think that this is the reason things aren't working any longer with PHPStorm, because it's expecting a php executable and not a php archive.

因此,我不再使用pear安装PHPUnit,而是使用 composer 代替.这将PHPUnit直接捆绑为我的项目的依赖项,这使其比系统依赖项更具移植性.您需要在PHPStorm首选项中将vendor/phpunit/phpunit作为PHP包含路径添加.这将有两个目的:

So, I'm moving away from using pear to install PHPUnit, and I'm using composer instead. This bundles PHPUnit directly as a dependency of my project, which makes it more portable than a system dependency. You'll need to add vendor/phpunit/phpunit as a PHP include path in your PHPStorm preferences. This will serve two purposes:

  1. PHPStorm现在可以找到phpunit可执行文件
  2. PHPStorm现在将为所有PHPUnit类建立索引,因此您将自动完成.是的!
  1. PHPStorm can find the phpunit executable now
  2. PHPStorm will index all the PHPUnit classes now, so you'll get auto-complete. Yay!


To do this, go to Languages and Frameworks in the PhpStorm settings.If you click on PHP, on the right you have your include paths


08-19 10:40