

我在API中有一个简单的方法,它允许使用JSONPath搜索对象。由于它的语法对于初级开发人员来说几乎是不熟悉的,所以我决定在JSDoc注释中提供一些示例。然而,这是捕获, - @ 符号被视为新jsdoc-tag的开头,因此描述已损坏。

I have a simple method in API, that allows searching objects with JSONPath. As its syntax is pretty much unfamiliar to junior developers, i decided to provide some examples within JSDoc comment. Yet, here is the catch, - @ sign is treated as a start of new jsdoc-tag, and so description becomes corrupted.

问题:如何制作NetBeans (或一般的jsdoc)忽略 @ 特定代码块内的符号?最好在 @example 块内。

Question: how to make NetBeans (or jsdoc in general) ignore @ signs inside of particular code chunk ? Preferably, within @example block.


So this code, would show unmodified within tooltip:

$ .. book [?(@。price< 10)] // - 过滤所有比10便宜的书

此外, @example < code> < pre> - 请勿帮助。

Also, @example, <code>, <pre> - do not help.

Html实体&#64; 在工具提示中转换为 @ 在代码本身看起来不可读( $ ..book [?(&#64; .price< 10)] 它只在主jsdoc文本中工作...

Html entity &#64; is converted to @ in tooltip, but it looks unreadable in the code itself ($..book[?(&#64;.price<10)]) and its only working in main jsdoc text ...



This is a pretty old question, but I was having the same problem, except in VSCode and thought I'd share a possible solution.

最终工作的是移动 @returns 示例,不幸的是,没有使用 @example ,例如:

What finally worked was moving @returns below the example and, unfortunately, not using @example, e.g.:

 * some description
 * For example:
 * ```js
 * $..book[?(@.price<10)] // - filter all books cheaper than 10
 * ```
 * @returns {*} whatever you're returning


This is not ideal, but works for VSCode's tooltip; I'm not sure if it'll work with NetBeans.


06-29 04:22