


how to disable right click in vb6? because i put a flash document in my form and i want to be it like a touch screeen....so how?


UM ...........禁用右键单击........如果右键单击没有事件则不是''同样的结果.......当你右键点击鼠标时没有任何反应?....如果你正在谈论标准(即内置的窗口)上下文菜单中的右键点击......我可以虽然有人可能会在vb6中帮助你。

UM ...........disabling right click........If there are no events on right click isn''t that the same result.......nothing happens when you right click on the mouse?....if your talking about Standard (ie windows in built) context menus on right click......i can''t help you in vb6 though someone esle might be able to.

这是 Shockwave Flash 吗?然后你什么也做不了,becoz没有鼠标点击的事件。

Is that Shockwave Flash? then u cann''t do anything, becoz there is no event for mouse click.


05-16 04:58