

我是编码的初学者,C是我一直在学习的唯一语言.我已经对输入重定向到文件进行了深入的研究,以试图弄清楚它是如何工作的,但是我不知道在哪里使用命令或确切地如何使用它.我的问题是,我应该在哪里将重定向命令行准确地放在程序中?我知道它看起来像这样:./a< filename.txt,但是我不知道将其放在程序中的什么位置,或者甚至将其放入程序中?我想使用一个简单的循环将文件中的数据读取到scanf中.另外,"a"是您正在编写的C程序的确切名称吗?

I'm very beginner-level in coding, C is the only language I have been learning. I've done thorough research on input redirection to a file to try to figure out how it works, but I do not understand where to use the command or exactly how it is used. My question is, where do I put the redirection command line in the program exactly? I know that it looks something like this: ./a < filename.txt , but I have no idea where to put it in the program, or if it even goes in the program? I want to read data from the files into a scanf using a simple loop. Also, the 'a', is that the exact name of the C program you are writing?



If you want to read from a redirection, then the program needs to read fromstdin:

int main(void)
    char line[1024];

    fgets(line, sizeof line, stdin);


    return 0;


If you execute the program like this:

$ ./readline


then the user must enter the text and press .


If you execute the program like this:

$ echo "Hello World" | ./readline
Hello World
$ ./readline < filename
First line of filename


then stdin will be connected to the pipe / redirection. You don't have toworry about this, the shell executing the command does the work (connecting stdin to the pipes, etc) so thatyour program only need to read from stdin.


Same thing applies for stdout, if you want that the user calls your programand uses the output in a pipe or redirection, then just write normally tostdout. The shell takes care of connecting stdout to the pipe / redirection.


09-05 18:20