本文介绍了OpenGL ES 中的大滚动背景的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我正在为 iPhone 开发一款 2D 滚动游戏.我有一个大图像背景,比如 480×6000 像素,只有一部分是可见的(正好是一个屏幕的价值,480×320 像素).在屏幕上获得这种背景的最佳方法是什么?

I am working on a 2D scrolling game for iPhone. I have a large image background, say 480×6000 pixels, of only a part is visible (exactly one screen’s worth, 480×320 pixels). What is the best way to get such a background on the screen?


Currently I have the background split into several textures (to get around the maximum texture size limit) and draw the whole background in each frame as a textured triangle strip. The scrolling is done by translating the modelview matrix. The scissor box is set to the window size, 480×320 pixels. This is not meant to be fast, I just wanted a working code before I get to optimizing.

我认为 OpenGL 实现可能足够聪明,可以丢弃背景的不可见部分,但根据我编写的一些测量代码,背景看起来平均需要 7 毫秒,最多需要 84 毫秒.(这是在模拟器中测量的.)这大约是整个渲染循环的一半,即.对我来说很慢.

I thought that maybe the OpenGL implementation would be smart enough to discard the invisible portion of the background, but according to some measuring code I wrote it looks like background takes 7 ms to draw on average and 84 ms at maximum. (This is measured in the simulator.) This is about a half of the whole render loop, ie. quite slow for me.

绘制背景应该像将一些 480×320 像素从 VRAM 的一个部分复制到另一个部分一样简单,或者换句话说,非常快.接近这种性能的最佳方法是什么?

Drawing the background should be as easy as copying some 480×320 pixels from one part of the VRAM to another, or, in other words, blazing fast. What is the best way to get closer to such performance?



That's the fast way of doing it. Things you can do to improve performance:

  • 尝试不同的纹理格式.大概 SDK 文档有关于首选格式的详细信息,并且可能越小越好.
  • 自己挑选出完全离屏的图块
  • 将图像分割成更小的纹理

我假设您以 1:1 的缩放比例进行绘图;是这样吗?

I'm assuming you're drawing at a 1:1 zoom-level; is that the case?


Oops. Having read your question more carefully, I have to offer another piece of advice: Timings made on the simulator are worthless.

这篇关于OpenGL ES 中的大滚动背景的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

09-05 14:23