

我有一个透明的PNG文件,我使用如OpenGL纹理。我在位图 BitmapFactory.de codeResource 加载它,然后把它上传到GPU。

I have a PNG file with transparency that I'm using as OpenGL texture. I load it in Bitmap with BitmapFactory.decodeResource, then upload it to GPU.

的PNG文件是相当大的,为了减少APK的大小,我试图用两个JPG文件,而不是 - 之一,RGB数据,和其他与alpha通道(灰度)

The PNG file is quite big and in order to cut down on APK size, I'm trying to use two JPGs instead--one with RGB data, and the other with alpha channel (grayscale).

如何将二者结合起来JPG文件放在一个位图的alpha通道对象?我尝试加载Alpha通道 Bitmap.Config.ALPHA_8 ,然后把他们拉对方使用画布,但至今没有运气。

How do I combine the two JPGs together in one Bitmap object with alpha channel? I tried loading alpha channel as Bitmap.Config.ALPHA_8, then drawing them on top of each other using Canvas but no luck so far.



Have a look at Kevin Dion's answer to this related question. He explains how to combine 4 separate images (R, G, B and A channels) but you should be able to adapt it to work with two images.


09-05 14:13