列为 O(log(n))

本文介绍了列为 O(log(n))的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!



I have to make a data structure with certain conditions.


First these 4 functions must be in O(log(n)):

insert(Object o)
insert(int index, Object o)
delete(int index)
update(int index, Object o)


Second: The data structure must implement java.util.List

我的问题是 O(log(n)) 和 List.有很多树可以做O(log(n))中的操作(比如BST、Red-Black Tree、AVL Tree),但是这些树怎么索引,怎么插入到任何地方呢?

My issue is with the O(log(n)) and the List. There are a lot of trees that can do the operation in O(log(n)) (like BST, Red-Black Tree, AVL Tree), but how can these trees be indexed and how can the insert be anywhere?

将其设置为仅列表确实会带来问题.java.util.List 有这些实现类:AbstractListAbstractSequentialListArrayListLinkedListStackVector

Setting this up as only a list does bring up issues.java.util.List has these implementing classes:AbstractList, AbstractSequentialList, ArrayList, LinkedList, Stack, Vector

这些类中的大多数都有 O(1) 和 O(1)

Most of these classes have methods of O(1) and O(1) < O(log(n)), but there is always a method that is O(n). Example the ArrayList has a remove of O(n).


Does anyone have any advise or approaches to this problem?


Basically, I am looking for a data structure that I'll fulfill those requirements.


可索引的跳过列表 似乎符合要求:插入和删除操作是 O(log n),update 的索引访问 O(log n).

An indexable skip list seems to fit the bill: inserts and deletes are O(log n), and index access for update is also O(log n).

这篇关于列为 O(log(n))的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

08-29 01:02