I cannot understand how to get Laradock to work correctly with the mysql db.
I have followed laradock docs and installed everything, spin up containers using
docker-compose up -d nginx mysql
I have the multiple project version layout like such
The php side seems to work, I can get the laravel welcome page up, however getting the DB connected is causing me issues.
首先,我应该在哪里运行php artisan命令,例如 php artisan migration
Firstly, where should I be running php artisan commands like php artisan migrate
? Should that be run from my machine within the project folder, or from within the docker container ?
当我从项目文件夹运行它时,它可以工作,并且我可以进入mysql容器并查看初始数据库表,例如 migration
和 user
When I run it from my project folder, it works, and I can go into the mysql container and see the initial db tables, like migration
, and user
但是,我无法向数据库获取初始POST在邮递员内工作-我收到错误 SQLSTATE [HY000] [2002]没有这样的文件或目录(SQL:插入用户(...
BUT, I cannot get an initial POST to the db to work within Postman - I get error SQLSTATE[HY000] [2002] No such file or directory (SQL: insert into users (...
所以我想也许我应该从工作区容器中运行migration命令,所以我猛扑到工作区中,但是 php artisan migration code>命令错误,并带有
SQLSTATE [HY000] [2002]没有这样的文件或目录(SQL:从information_schem
中选择* a.tables,其中table_schema = spa,table_name =迁移)
So I thought maybe I'm supposed to be running the migrate command from within the workspace container, so I bash into the workspace, but from here the
php artisan migrate
command errors with [Illuminate\Database\QueryException] SQLSTATE[HY000] [2002] No such file or directory (SQL: select * from information_schem a.tables where table_schema = spa and table_name = migrations)
As I said, I can successfully get into the mysql container, and login to the DB using root password, and after running first migrations, I can see the tables inside there.
docker ps
Can someone explain how it works and how to troubleshoot this ? I'm not sure where I should be running which commands, and how the containers talk to each other. But basically, how can I get the mysql db to work in the laravel project?
Btw, I have local mysql running on the PC too, maybe thats causing some conflict/confusion?
I'm running all this on Win10.
when you're using Laradock, you need to think about containers as if they were separate servers/computers within one shared network. Each rectangle at the picture below represents one server which has it's own IP address, own Linux system etc. Therefore to connect to MySQL from another container, you need to know an IP address or hostname of this container.
Luckily Laradock provides a little bit of magic under the hood to ease this, and you can use MySQL hostname instead of providing an IP address in your config. If you want to enable Redis, all you have to do is, start Redis with docker-compose up and provide Redis hostname in Laravel config.
如果要进行故障排除, docker-compose ps是检查正在发生的事情的最佳方法。其余的是对多容器概念的理解。
If it comes to troubleshooting, docker-compose ps is the best way to check what is going on. The rest is an understanding of a multi-container concept.
请注意,如果不暴露docker-compose.yml中的容器端口,就无法从主机PC连接到容器。 。容器IP对主机不可见,因为它们属于虚拟网络,而不是计算机所连接的真实IP。默认端口已在docker-compose.yml中公开,因此您可以访问IP和端口3306上的数据库,与Nginx在端口80上相同,依此类推。
Beware you can't connect to your containers from your host PC without exposing containers port in docker-compose.yml. Containers IPs are not visible for a host, as they belong to a virtual network, not the real one where your computer is connected. Default ports are already exposed in docker-compose.yml so you can access DB at IP and port 3306, same with Nginx at port 80 and so on.
Hope this is a bit more clear now :)