本文介绍了在 GraphQL Schema 中定义地图对象的最佳方式?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!



I try to map a key string with arrays of Objects.


I can create a simple Object but i want to add easily an object in these arrays. The Map Object is perfect to do this.

问题:我不知道如何为 GraphQL 定义类型映射 :'(

Problem: I dont know how to define the Type Map for GraphQL :'(

export class Inventaire
  _id: string;

  stocks: Map<string, Article[]>;


GraphQL 是一种强类型语言,不提供任何开箱即用的 map 类型.键值对的 JSON blob 没有强大的架构,所以你不能有这样的东西:

GraphQL is a strongly-typed language, and does not provide any kind of map type out of the box. A JSON blob of key-value pairs do not have a strong schema, so you can't have something like this:

    key1: val1,
    key2: val2,
    key3: val3,

但是,您可以定义一个 GraphQL Schema 以具有键值元组类型,然后定义您的属性以返回这些元组的数组.

However, you can define a GraphQL Schema to have a key-value tuple type, and then define your property to return an array of those tuples.

type articleMapTuple {
     key: String
     value: Article

type Inventaire {
     stocks: [articleMapTuple]


Then your return types would look something like this:

    data [
        key: foo1,
        value: { some Article Object}
        key: foo2,
        value: { some Article Object}
        key: foo3,
        value: { some Article Object}

这篇关于在 GraphQL Schema 中定义地图对象的最佳方式?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

08-26 06:34