本文介绍了要求提出意见:C的简要总结的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧! 问题描述 29岁程序员,3月因学历无情被辞! 对于我正在撰写的一本书,我写了一篇简短的(7页)摘要 of C.这是一个经验丰富的程序员,他们做了不知道C能够获得足够的信息来阅读和理解C程序。这并不意味着语言的100%完整 摘要,但那里的一切都应该是正确的。 如果有人有兴趣,请感受免费阅读并发送给我 评论。请注意,该材料受版权保护,此文件仅供审核,并且任何评论中包含的想法可以在书中全部或部分使用 ,没有授予 提供评论的人的权利。但是我会通过 名称(如果需要)承认任何发送评论的人。 根据我的出版商的要求,信息是PDF格式,但是如果这个 对任何人都有问题,请给我发电子邮件,我可以发给你简单的 文字。 文件位于 http://www.proudlyserving .com / language / c.pdf 我已经为其他语言撰写了类似的摘要,并且已经或将会在适当的新闻组中发布 。 谢谢。 - Adam Barr ad **** @ gte.net 解决方案 不是。 - Richard Heathfield: bi *** *@eton.powernet.co.uk Usenet是一个奇怪的地方。 - Dennis M Ritchie,1999年7月29日。 C FAQ: http://www.eskimo.com/~scs/C-faq/top.html K& R答案,C书等: http://users.powernet.co.uk/eton 所以pdf是真的吗?我已经看到了其他语言组的相同帖子(明显取代了他们的语言 )所以我认为这是一种使用某个漏洞的某种 诈骗常见的浏览器或常见的pdf 阅读器。 对OP:如果你提供的文字很明确,你会得到更好的反馈 text或html,以便人们可以在他们回复时对文本进行剪切和粘贴。我找到了一个可以澄清的句子,但是当我无法轻易地切割并粘贴该句子时(似乎你的pdf有一些标志 不允许选择文本acroread)我没有努力通过所有这些来阅读 。 在pdf中,Adam Barr写道:一个int包含一个整数值,取决于平台,可以是2,4或8个字节。 是的,因为你使用了_can_这个词,但那些并不是唯一合法的 大小的int,读取你的句子后somone可能会想到。 值NULL分配给指针指示它们指向什么都没有。 更改是到可以你的判决可能导致某人相信 分配NULL是自动完成的,情况并非如此(尽管 编译器_could_选择初始化所有指针为零''不是 保证) FWIW - NPV 大字打印,小字打印 Tom Waits - 向上走吧 For a book I am working on, I have written a brief (7 page) summaryof C. The intent of this is that an experienced programmer who didnot know C would be able to get enough information to read andunderstand C programs. It is not meant to be a 100% completesummary of the language, but everything in there should be correct.If anyone is interested, please feel free to read it and send mecomments. Note that the material is copyrighted, this document isprovided for review only, and the ideas contained in any comments maybe used in the book, in whole or in part, with no rights granted tothe person who provided the comments. I will however acknowledge byname (if desired) anyone who sends comments.The information is in PDF form per my publisher''s request, but if thisis a problem for anyone, email me and I can send it to you in plaintext.The file is at http://www.proudlyserving.com/language/c.pdfI have written similar summaries for other languages and have or willpost them in the appropriate newsgroups.Thank you.- Adam Barr ad****@gte.net 解决方案It isn''t.--Richard Heathfield : bi****@eton.powernet.co.uk"Usenet is a strange place." - Dennis M Ritchie, 29 July 1999.C FAQ: http://www.eskimo.com/~scs/C-faq/top.htmlK&R answers, C books, etc: http://users.powernet.co.uk/etonSo the pdf is real? I''ve seen the same post to other language groups (withtheir language substituted obviously) so I assumed this was some kind ofscam using a vulnerability either in a common browser or a common pdfreader.To the OP: You will get better feedback if you provide the text as plaintext or html so that people could cut and paste the text when theyrespond. I found one sentence that could be clarified, but when I couldn''tcut and paste that sentence easily (seems your pdf has some flag thatdisallows selecting text in acroread) I didn''t make the effort to readthrough all of it.In a pdf Adam Barr writes: An int holds an integer value, which can be 2, 4 or 8 bytes depending on the platform.True because you used the word _can_ but those are not the only legalsizes of int, wich somone might think after reading your sentence. The value NULL is assigned to pointers to indicate that they point to nothing.Change that "is" to "can be". Your sentence could lead someone to believethat assigning NULL is done automatically, which is not the case (though acompiler _could_ choose to initialize all pointers to zero it''s notguaranteed to)FWIW--NPV"the large print giveth, and the small print taketh away"Tom Waits - Step right up 这篇关于要求提出意见:C的简要总结的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持! 上岸,阿里云!
08-24 19:06