


You've probably seen fancy search boxes before (like the one on the jQuery API) where they have a clickable search icon that appears over the textbox. How can I semantically achieve this effect?


I have seen on some custom Google Search textboxes that it uses a background image on the textbox, and then it receives focus and removes the image. Also, the search box here on StackOverflow appears to also be using a background image of a little search icon. I know how to do that, it is easy, but it's not really the effect I want. I'd like to have a clickable icon that lights up on hover and submits the form when clicked.


使用一些HTML类似的工具to this(where ...意味着在你的表单中需要的适当属性):

Use some HTML similar to this (where ... means put in the appropriate attributes you need for your form):

<form id="search" ...>
    <input type="text" ...>

$ b 形式元素和 position:absolute; right:0 。在按钮上设置背景图片,并使用 text-indent:-9999em 隐藏按钮的屏幕文字。

Then with CSS, set position: relative on the form element and position: absolute; right: 0 on the button. Set a background image on the button and use text-indent: -9999em to hide the button's text off-screen.


If you want to emulate jQuery's solution more closely, I suggest installing Firebug for Firefox and inspecting the element's HTML and CSS yourself.


08-23 00:00