


The excellent lmfit package lets one to run nonlinear regression. It can report two different conf intervals - one based on the covarience matrix the other using a more sophisticated tecnique based on an F-test. Details can be found on the doc. I would like to understand he reasoning behind this technique in depth. Which topics should i read about? Note: i have sufficient stats knowledge


F统计信息和其他用于获取置信区间的相关方法要远远优于对非线性模型(和其他模型)的te co方差矩阵进行简单估计.

F stats and other associated methods for obtaining confidence intervals are far superior to a simple estimation of te co variance matrix for non-linear models (and others).


The primary reason for this is the lack of assumptions about the Gaussian nature of error when using these methods. For non-linear systems, confidence intervals can (they don't have to be) be asymmetric. This means that the parameter value can effect the error surface differently and therefore the one, two, or three sigma limits have different magnitudes in either direction from the best fit.

分析型超速离心社区中有涉及错误分析的出色文章(Tom Laue,John J. Correia,Jim Cole,Peter Schuck是一些文章搜索的好名字).如果您想全面了解正确的错误分析,请查看Michael Johnson的这篇文章: http://www.researchgate.net/profile/Michael_Johnson53/publication/5881059_Nonlinear_least-squares_fitting_methods/links/0deec534d0d97a13a8000000.pdf

The analytical ultracentrifugation community has excellent articles involving error analysis (Tom Laue, John J. Correia, Jim Cole, Peter Schuck are some good names for article searches). If you want a good general read about proper error analysis, check out this article by Michael Johnson:http://www.researchgate.net/profile/Michael_Johnson53/publication/5881059_Nonlinear_least-squares_fitting_methods/links/0deec534d0d97a13a8000000.pdf



08-22 21:15