

我需要一些Linux专家的帮助.我正在使用包含彗星服务器的webapp.彗星服务器运行在localhost:8080上,并公开URL localhost:8080/long_polling供客户端连接.我的webapp在localhost:80上运行.

I need some help from some linux gurus. I am working on a webapp that includes a comet server. The comet server runs on localhost:8080 and exposes the url localhost:8080/long_polling for clients to connect to. My webapp runs on localhost:80.


I've used nginx to proxy requests from nginx to the comet server (localhost:80/long_polling proxied to localhost:8080/long_polling), however, I have two gripes with this solution:

  1. nginx一分钟后为我提供了504网关超时,即使我将每个单次超时设置更改为600秒
  2. 我真的不希望nginx必须代理到彗星服务器-nginx代理不是为建立持久连接而建立的(可能长达半小时).我宁愿允许客户端直接连接到彗星服务器,并让彗星服务器处理它.
  1. nginx gives me a 504 Gateway time-out after a minute, even though I changed EVERY single time out setting to 600 seconds
  2. I don't really want nginx to have to proxy to the comet server anyway - the nginx proxy is not built for long lasting connections (up to half an hour possibly). I would rather allow the clients to directly connect to the comet server, and let the comet server deal with it.


So my question is: is there any linux trick that allows me to expose localhost:8080/long_polling to localhost:80/long_polling without using the nginx proxy? There must be something. That's why I think this question can probably be best answered by a linux guru.

我需要/long_polling暴露在端口80上的原因是,这样我就可以使用AJAX进行连接(ajax same-origin-policy).

The reason I need /long_polling to be exposed on port 80 is so I can use AJAX to connect to it (ajax same-origin-policy).

这是我的nginx proxy.conf供参考:

This is my nginx proxy.conf for reference:

proxy_redirect              off;
proxy_set_header            Host $host;
proxy_set_header            X-Real-IP $remote_addr;
proxy_set_header            X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for;
client_max_body_size        10m;
client_body_buffer_size     128k;
proxy_connect_timeout       600;
proxy_send_timeout          600;
proxy_read_timeout          600;
proxy_buffer_size           4k;
proxy_buffers               4 32k;
proxy_busy_buffers_size     64k;
proxy_temp_file_write_size  64k;
send_timeout                600;
proxy_buffering             off;



i don't think, that is possible ...

localhost:8080/long_polling是一个URI ...,更确切地说,它应该是http://localhost:8080/long_polling ...在HTTP中,URI将被解析为请求/long_polling并通过以下方式连接到服务器的端口80在本地主机"域中……也就是说,打开到127.0.0.1:80的tcp连接,然后发送

localhost:8080/long_polling is a URI ... more exactly, it should be http://localhost:8080/long_polling ... in HTTP the URI would be resolved as requesting /long_polling, to port 80 to the server with at the domain 'localhost' ... that is, opening a tcp-connection to, and sending

GET /long_polling HTTP/1.1
Host: localhost:8080


plus some additional HTTP headers ... i haven't heard yet, that ports can be bound accross processes ...

实际上,如果我理解得很好,nginx被设计为可伸缩的代理……而且,他们声称它们需要2.5 MB的内存才能建立10000个HTTP空闲连接……所以这真的不应该成为问题...

actually, if i understand well, nginx was designed to be a scalable proxy ... also, they claim they need 2.5 MB for 10000 HTTP idling connections ... so that really shouldn't be a problem ...


what comet server are you using? could you maybe let the comet server proxy a webserver? normal http requests should be handled quickly ...




08-22 20:33