


I have an issue understanding pretty well the Relationships, let's go to the point


I have 3 tables, with its proper models

 - id
 - date

 - id
 - receipt_id
 - item_id

 - id
 - name


The problem I have is that receipt "has many" items through items_sold, but I can't use "hasManyThrough" because eloquent use the wrong "id" of "items_sold", even if I put manually the keys

class Receipt extends Eloquent {

    public function items()
        return $this->hasManyThrough('Items', 'ItemsSold', 'receipt_id', 'id');



There is no way to do it in through this way, but I can find an Relationship method with eloquent that can help me with this case


正如lukasgeiter所说,添加到您的模型的 belongsToMany()关系将允许您访问相关数据。

As lukasgeiter stated, a belongsToMany() relationship added to your models would allow you to access the related data.

还有其他要注意的事项如果您将连接表的名称更改为 item_reciept ,则可以在模型中定义多对多关系,而无需专门指定连接表。当Laravel看到没有指定连接表名称的 belongsToMany 方法时,它会查找涉及Snake案例和小写名称的字母顺序的两个模型的名称。

Something else to note, if you change your join table's name to item_reciept you can define the many to many relationship in your models without having to specify the join table specifically. When Laravel sees a belongsToMany method without a join table name specified, it looks for the name of the two models involved in snake case and alphabetical order with lower case names.


class Receipt extends Eloquent{

    public function items(){
        return $this->belongsToMany('Item');

class Item extends Eloquent{

    public function reciepts(){
        return $this->belongsToMany('Reciept');

我可以理解,如果你不想重命名您的 items_sold 表,因为它的具体名称表示它只是一个连接表的使用。

I can understand if you wouldn't want to rename your items_sold table because it's specific name denotes it's usage past just a join table.


Another thing to note about adding these relationships to the model is that it allows your to perform eager loading with your requests which could be helpful in your situations.


Let's say you wanted to get all items for a specific receipt by it's id all in one go. You could use the following request to get everything together:

$receiptAndItems = Receipt::with('items')->find($recieptId);


This would return both the details on your particular Receipt record AND a key items with all of the related Item records for that given receipt:

// Your `receipt` record
// this is the output when you add `->toArray()` at the end to make it a bit easier to read

array (size=7)
  'id' => int 2
  'name' => string 'Foo' (length=12)
  'created_at' => string '2014-11-22 16:30:02' (length=19)
  'updated_at' => string '2014-11-22 16:30:02' (length=19)
  'items' =>
    array (size=3)
      0 =>
        array (size=7)
          'id' => int 1
          'name' => string 'Bar' (length=13)
          'created_at' => string '2014-11-22 16:30:02' (length=19)
          'updated_at' => string '2014-11-22 16:30:02' (length=19)
          'pivot' =>
            array (size=2)
      1 =>
        array (size=7)
          'id' => int 2
          'name' => string 'Baz' (length=20)
          'created_at' => string '2014-11-22 16:30:02' (length=19)
          'updated_at' => string '2014-11-22 16:30:02' (length=19)
          'pivot' =>
            array (size=2)
      2 =>
        array (size=7)
          'id' => int 3
          'name' => string 'FooBarBaz' (length=18)
          'created_at' => string '2014-11-22 16:30:02' (length=19)
          'updated_at' => string '2014-11-22 16:30:02' (length=19)
          'pivot' =>
            array (size=2)

