I was not able to find a good resource which is describing the following Zend_Tool command:
- zf创建项目路径配置文件名称配置文件
Does somebody know a good resource regarding this command?
Note: I'm interested in the name-of-profile and file-of-profile part. Usage, examples, etc.
Maybe even a visual approach like in this references:
- http://marklodato.github.com/visual-git- guide/index-en.html
- http://osteele.com/archives/2008/05/commit-policies
- http://marklodato.github.com/visual-git-guide/index-en.html
- http://osteele.com/archives/2008/05/commit-policies
我对ZF Tool Project的内部知识并不熟悉,但是请看一下
I am not familiar enough with the internals of ZF Tool Project, but have a look at
- http://framework.zend. com/manual/en/zend.tool.project.create-a-project.html
- http://framework.zend.com/svn/framework/standard/trunk/library/Zend/Tool/Project/Provider/Project.php
- http://framework.zend.com/manual/en/zend.tool.project.create-a-project.html
- http://framework.zend.com/svn/framework/standard/trunk/library/Zend/Tool/Project/Provider/Project.php
Afaik(不多)Zend Tool维护一个XML文件来跟踪您的项目.通过Zend Tool将任何后续操作正确应用到您的项目中,这是必需的.
Afaik (which is not much) Zend Tool maintains an XML file to keep track of your project. This is required for any subsequent actions to be applied correctly to your project through Zend Tool.
The DocBlock for the create
action in the Project Provider says:
* create()
* @param string $path
* @param string $nameOfProfile shortName=n
* @param string $fileOfProfile shortName=f
When run without the two optional arguments, the method will eventually create a new project file with
$newProfile = new Zend_Tool_Project_Profile(array(
'projectDirectory' => $path,
'profileData' => $profileData
with $profileDate
being the content of the default configuration file. If you specify $fileOfProfile
, you can override the configuration file and supply your own file, e.g.
if ($fileOfProfile != null && file_exists($fileOfProfile)) {
$profileData = file_get_contents($fileOfProfile);
很显然,您必须提供文件的完整路径才能正常工作.另一种方法是提供一个文件标识符,然后Zend Tool会尝试在一个预定义的位置(例如
Obviously, you have to supply a full path to the file for this to work. The alternative is to supply a file identifier, which Zend Tool will then try to find in a predefined location, e.g.
$storage = $this->_registry->getStorage();
if ($profileData == '' && $nameOfProfile != null && $storage->isEnabled()) {
$profileData = $storage->get('project/profiles/' . $nameOfProfile . '.xml');
我不知道存储部分是什么.就像我说的那样,我对Zend Tool的内部运作方式并不熟悉.如果我理解正确,则可以使用另外两个参数将现有项目加载到新位置或自定义默认位置.
I have no clue what the storage part is about. Like I said, I am not familiar with Zend Tool's inner workings. If I understand correctly, you can use the additional two arguments to load an existing project in a new location or customize the default one.
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