我有一个问题是,用户在哪里选择关于城市的属性,然后返回具有任何匹配项的列表城市,从匹配度最高的城市开始.请让我知道使用LINQ to XML是否可以实现,如果可以,我如何实现.
I have a questionare where users where select attributes about cities then I return a list cities that have any of the matches, beginning with the cities with the most matches. Please let me know if this is possible using LINQ to XML and if so, how I can achieve it.
Example of XML:
<cities xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance">
<temp>Hot Weather</temp>
<recreation>Attending professional sporting events</recreation>
<healthCare>Seek strong health care facilities and/or major medical univeristy</healthCare>
<artsCulture>Live near museums, galleries, and cultural events</artsCulture>
<transportation>Air travel and perfer to live near a major airport</transportation>
<housing>Seek good rental opportunites</housing>
<temp>Cold weather and snow</temp>
<seasons>All four seasons</seasons>
<recreation>Attending professional sporting events</recreation>
<healthCare>Seek strong health care facilities and/or major medical univeristy</healthCare>
<artsCulture>Attending the symphony and/or opera</artsCulture>
<transportation>Air travel and perfer to live near a major airport</transportation>
<housing>Seek good rental opportunites</housing>
<name>Kansas City</name>
<temp>Cold weather and snow</temp>
<seasons>All four seasons</seasons>
<recreation>Attending professional sporting events</recreation>
<healthCare>Seek strong health care facilities and/or major medical univeristy</healthCare>
<artsCulture>I like attending traveling theatre shows and ballet companies</artsCulture>
<transportation>Air travel and perfer to live near a major airport</transportation>
Then in the questionnaire, the user would select they want hot weather, live near major airport, seek good rental properties and like to attend professional sporting events, it would return city and how many matches:
Atlanta (4/4)
Indianapolis (3/4)
Kansas City (2/4)
Any and all help is appreciated.
var rec = doc.Descendants("recreation").Where(e => e.Value == "Attending professional sporting events").ToList();
var housing = doc.Descendants("housing").Where(e => e.Value == "Seek good rental opportunites").ToList();
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