Hello All,
Hello All,
I am new in Azure world, don''t know which App/feature is suitable for my scenario.
场景 - 我将收到一封包含URL + querystring参数的电子邮件,我需要解析所有 querystring 参数并将其传递给新的URL。
scenario - I will get an email with URL + querystring parameter , I need to parse all querystring parameter and pass it to new URL.
Basically i need to redirect my users on new URL.Can anyone suggest me which app or feature i can use in Azure.
每当用户点击"Azure"时?.SourceURL.com PAR1 = ABC&安培; PAR2 = PQR&安培; PAR3 = XYZ" ,这需要使用"TargetURL.com上的查询字符串参数重定向?par10 = abc& par20 = pqr& par30 = xyz"网址。
whenever user will click on "Azure.SourceURL.com?par1=abc&par2=pqr&par3=xyz" , this needs to redirect with query string parameter on "TargetURL.com?par10=abc&par20=pqr&par30=xyz" URL .
如果您有静态查询参数,最简单的方法是使用 Azure
函数Proxie s ,它基于Azure功能构建,简单易用。所以,有了这个你有一个无服务器代理服务器,根据消费计费。
If you have static query parameters, the simplest approach would be to use Azure Functions Proxies, which is built on top of Azure Functions with simple . So, with this you have a Serverless Proxy Server which billed based on Consumption.
But if you have a dynamic conversion you want to make, then you could instead go for Azure Functions in any language supported.
Also, you could take a look at API Management too since it has a consumption plan too but note that it is currenly in preview.