本文介绍了我的LESS @import路径应该是什么?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!



我正在运行Django 1.3.1,利用staticfiles和django-compression(最新的稳定),除其他外,编译LESS文件。

我有一个资产目录被挂接到静态文件中, c $ c> @import路径的符号链接,但我决定从长远来看,这是非常复杂和脆弱的。

SO ...我将所有LESS文件分解并移动到< project_root> / assets / css / 下,合理化将LESS文件移出应用程序,因为它们与项目级文件绑定以便运行,它们本身就是项目级本身。

Here's the scenario:

I'm running Django 1.3.1, utilizing staticfiles, and django-compressor (latest stable) to, among other things, compile LESS files.

I have an "assets" directory that's hooked into staticfiles with STATICFILES_DIRS (for project-wide static resources). In that directory I have a "css" directory and in that a "lib.less" file that contains LESS variables and mixins.

So the physical path is <project_root>/assets/css/lib.less and it's served at /static/css/lib.less.

In one of my apps' static directory, I have another LESS file that needs to import the one above. The physical path for that is <project_root>/myapp/static/myapp/css/file.less and it would be served at /static/myapp/css/file.less.

My first thought was:

@import "../../css/lib.less"

(i.e. based on the URL, go up to levels from /static/myapp/css to /static/, then traverse down into /static/css/lib.less).

However, that doesn't work, and I've tried just about every combination of URLs and physical paths I can think of and all of them give me FilterErrors in the template, resulting from not being able to find the file to import.

Anyone have any ideas what the actual import path should be?


After tracking down exactly where the error was coming from in the django-compressor source. It turns out to be directly passed from the shell. Which clued me into removing all the variables and literally just trying to get the lessc compiler to parse the file.

Turns out it wants a relative path from the source file to the file to be imported in terms of the physical filesystem path. So I had to back all the way out to my <project_root> and then reference assets/css/lib.less from there. The actual import that finally worked was:

@import "../../../../assets/css/lib.less"

What's very odd though is that lessc would not accept an absolute filesystem path (i.e. /path/to/project/assets/css/lib.less). I'm not sure why.

UPDATE (02/08/2012)

Had a complete "DUH" moment when I finally pushed my code to my staging environment and ran collectstatic. The @import path I was using worked fine in development because that was the physical path to the file then, but once collectstatic has done it's thing, everything is moved around and relative to <project_root>/static/.

I toyed with the idea of using symbolic links to try to match up the pre and post-collectstatic @import paths, but I decided that that was far too complicated and fragile in the long run.

SO... I broke down and moved all the LESS files together under <project_root>/assets/css/, and rationalized moving the LESS files out of the apps because since they're tied to a project-level file in order to function, they're inherently project-level themselves.

这篇关于我的LESS @import路径应该是什么?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

08-20 04:16